Law No. 171-FZ "On state regulation of the production and circulation of ethyl alcohol and alcohol products". Pays/Territoire Fédération de Russie Type du document Législation Date 1995 Source FAO, FAOLEX Source d'origine Official copy. Sujet Alimentation et nutrition Mot clé Autorisation/permis Transformation/manutention Commerce intérieur Commerce international Viticulture/pratiques vinicoles Vente Fraude Aire géographique Arctique, Asie et Pacifique, Mer Noire, Mer Caspienne, CEI (Communauté des États indépendants), Europe de l'Est, Europe, Europe et Asie Centrale, Pacifique Nord, Pacifique Nord Occidental Entry into force notes Entry into force from the date of its official publication except for paragraph 4 of the point 1of the Article 26 that becomes effective from the 1st of January 2000. Résumé The document consists of IV Sections that contain 26 Articles. Section I lays down the general provisions. It contains Articles 1-7. Article 1 determines the sphere of application of the present Law. Article 2 introduces the main notions used in the text of the present Federal Law. Article 3 regards state legislation on state regulation of the production and circulation of ethyl alcohol, alcohol products and spirituous products. Article 4 concerns state monopoly on production and (or) circulation of ethyl alcohol and spirituous products. Article 5 concerns the sphere of jurisdiction of the Russian Federation regarding the production and circulation of ethyl alcohol, alcohol products and spirituous products. Article 6 concerns the sphere of joint jurisdiction of the Federal and Regional Executive Bodies regarding the production and circulation of ethyl alcohol, alcohol products and spirituous products. Article 7 determines the competence of local administration in the sphere of production and circulation of ethyl alcohol, alcohol products and spirituous products. Section II establishes the requirements for the production and circulation of ethyl alcohol, alcohol products and spirituous products. It contains Articles 8-17. Article 8 determines the responsibility of the organizations that use equipment for the production of ethyl alcohol and alcohol products. Article 9 deals with circulation of ethyl alcohol. Article 10 establishes quotas for the purchase of ethyl alcohol. Article 11 establishes the conditions for the production and circulation of alcohol and spirituous alimentary products. Article 12 regards taxation and labelling of alcohol products. Article 13 deals with the regulation of export and import of alcohol products. Article 14 regards declaration of the actually produced volume of output of ethyl alcohol, alcohol and spirituous alimentary products. Article 15 concerns accrediting of the organizations engaged in circulation of alcohol and spirituous alimentary products. Article 16 determines the modalities of delivery of alcohol products for retail trade. Article 17 concerns advertising of alcohol products. Section III regards licensing of the production and circulation of ethyl alcohol, alcohol products and spirituous products. It contains Articles 18-22. Article 18 covers the types of activity subject to licensing. Article 19 determines the modalities of issue and state registration of licences. Article 20 concerns suspension, renewal, cancellation, withdrawal and revocation of licences. Article 21 regards the particulars of licensing of export and import of alcohol products and spirituous alimentary products. Article 22 regards the modalities of appeal against licensing authority. Section IV concerns control over the observance of the present Federal Law and establishes the liability for its infringement. It contains Articles 23-26. Article 23 concerns the organization of state control over the observance of the present Federal Law. Article 24 concerns social control over the observance of the present Federal Law. Article 25 regards removal from illegal circulation and seizure of ethyl alcohol, alcohol products and spirituous products. Article 26 establishes the restrictions in the sphere of the production and circulation of ethyl alcohol, alcohol products and spirituous products. Texte intégral Russe Références - Législation Implementé par Ministerial Decree No. 178 regarding removal from illegal circulation and confiscation of ethyl alcohol, alcohol products and spirituous liquors. Législation | Fédération de Russie | 1999 Mot clé: Viticulture/pratiques vinicoles, Procédures judiciaires/procédures administratives, Fraude Source: FAO, FAOLEX Regional Law No. 80-z “On additional restrictions of retail trade of liquors.” Législation | Fédération de Russie | 2020 Mot clé: Viticulture/pratiques vinicoles, Commerce intérieur, Vente Source: FAO, FAOLEX Governmental Decree No. 2348 validating the Regulation on labelling of liquors with federal special stamps. Législation | Fédération de Russie | 2020 Mot clé: Viticulture/pratiques vinicoles, Emballage/étiquetage, Fraude Source: FAO, FAOLEX Regional Law No. 545-PK “On the establishment of additional restrictions on retail sales of liquors in the provision of catering services in public catering facilities located in multi-apartment residential buildings and (or) in the adjacent territories (in terms of increasing the dimensions of the area of the service hall in public catering facilities), on the regional territory.” Législation | Fédération de Russie | 2020 Mot clé: Viticulture/pratiques vinicoles Source: FAO, FAOLEX Regional Law No. 2087-OZ “On additional restriction for vending liquors by public catering facilities.” Législation | Fédération de Russie | 2020 Mot clé: Viticulture/pratiques vinicoles, Vente Source: FAO, FAOLEX Regional No. 44-RZ “On prohibition of retail sale of liquors by public catering facilities located in apartment buildings and (or) in the adjacent territory.” Législation | Fédération de Russie | 2020 Mot clé: Viticulture/pratiques vinicoles, Vente Source: FAO, FAOLEX Regional Law No. 17-OD “On regulation of some issues in the field of vending of liquors except for vending of liquors through public catering facilities”. Législation | Fédération de Russie | 2019 Mot clé: Viticulture/pratiques vinicoles, Commerce intérieur, Vente, Commerce/industrie/sociétés, Infractions/sanctions, Procédures judiciaires/procédures administratives Source: FAO, FAOLEX Amendé par Federal Law No. 55-FZ amending Article 26 of the Law No. 171-FZ of 1995 "On state regulation of the production and circulation of ethyl alcohol and alcohol products". Législation | Fédération de Russie | 2007 Mot clé: Viticulture/pratiques vinicoles Source: FAO, FAOLEX Federal Law No. 219-FZ amending Law No. 171-FZ "On state regulation of the production and circulation of ethyl alcohol and alcohol products". Législation | Fédération de Russie | 2007 Mot clé: Viticulture/pratiques vinicoles Source: FAO, FAOLEX Federal Law No. 218-FZ amending Law No. 171-FZ "On state regulation of the production and circulation of ethyl alcohol and alcohol products". Législation | Fédération de Russie | 2011 Mot clé: Viticulture/pratiques vinicoles, Autorisation/permis, Transformation/manutention, Emballage/étiquetage Source: FAO, FAOLEX Federal Law No. 302-FZ amending Law No. 171-FZ on state regulation of the production and trade of ethyl alcohol and alcohol products. Législation | Fédération de Russie | 2007 Mot clé: Viticulture/pratiques vinicoles, Transformation/manutention, Transport/dépôt, Commerce international Source: FAO, FAOLEX Federal Law No. 248-FZ amending Law No. 171-FZ “On state regulation of the production and circulation of ethyl alcohol and alcohol products". Législation | Fédération de Russie | 2006 Mot clé: Viticulture/pratiques vinicoles, Fraude Source: FAO, FAOLEX Federal Law No. 259-FZ amending Law No. 171-FZ "On state regulation of the production and circulation of ethyl alcohol and alcohol products". Législation | Fédération de Russie | 2012 Mot clé: Viticulture/pratiques vinicoles Source: FAO, FAOLEX Federal Law No. 286-FZ amending Law No. 171-FZ "On state regulation of the production and circulation of ethyl alcohol and alcohol products". Législation | Fédération de Russie | 2012 Mot clé: Viticulture/pratiques vinicoles, Commerce intérieur, Vente, Enregistrement Source: FAO, FAOLEX Federal Law No. 18-FZ of 1999 “On amendments and addenda to the Federal Law “On state regulation of the production and circulation of ethyl alcohol and alcohol products”. Législation | Fédération de Russie | 1999 Mot clé: Viticulture/pratiques vinicoles, Hygiène/procédures sanitaires, Fraude, Procédures judiciaires/procédures administratives, Transformation/manutention, Normes, Contrôle de qualité alimentaire/innocuité des produits alimentaires Source: FAO, FAOLEX Federal Law No. 494-FZ amending Law No. 171-FZ "On state regulation of the production and circulation of ethyl alcohol and alcohol products". Législation | Fédération de Russie | 2014 Mot clé: Viticulture/pratiques vinicoles, Transformation/manutention, Emballage/étiquetage, Traçabilité/traçage du produit, Contrôle de qualité alimentaire/innocuité des produits alimentaires, Fraude, Vente, Infractions/sanctions, Procédures judiciaires/procédures administratives Source: FAO, FAOLEX Federal Law No. 490-FZ amending Law No. 171-FZ "On state regulation of the production and circulation of ethyl alcohol and alcohol products". Législation | Fédération de Russie | 2014 Mot clé: Viticulture/pratiques vinicoles, Transformation/manutention Source: FAO, FAOLEX Federal Law No. 448-FZ amending Law No. 171-FZ "On state regulation of the production and circulation of ethyl alcohol and alcohol products". Législation | Fédération de Russie | 2018 Mot clé: Biocarburant, Autorisation/permis, Viticulture/pratiques vinicoles, Transformation/manutention Source: FAO, FAOLEX Federal Law No. 168-FZ amending Law No. 171-FZ "On state regulation of the production and circulation of ethyl alcohol and alcohol products". Législation | Fédération de Russie | 2023 Mot clé: Viticulture/pratiques vinicoles, Équipement, Infractions/sanctions, Procédures judiciaires/procédures administratives Source: FAO, FAOLEX Federal Law No. 108-FZ amending Law No. 171-FZ "On state regulation of the production and circulation of ethyl alcohol and alcohol products". Législation | Fédération de Russie | 2023 Mot clé: Viticulture/pratiques vinicoles, Transformation/manutention, Emballage/étiquetage, Enregistrement, Commerce intérieur, Vente Source: FAO, FAOLEX