Miscellaneous Food Additives Amendment (England) Regulations 2005 (S.I. No. 1099 of 2005). País/Territorio Reino Unido Subdivisión territorial England Tipo de documento Reglamento Fecha 2005 Fuente FAO, FAOLEX Materia Alimentación y nutrición Palabra clave Control de calidad de los alimentos/inocuidad de los alimentos Aditivos alimentarios Área geográphica Islas del Océano Atlántico, Europa, Europa y Central Asia, Atlántico Norte, Mar del Norte, Atlántico Nordeste, Europa Septentrional Entry into force notes Coming into force on 19 April 2005. Resumen These Regulations amend the Miscellaneous Food Additives Regulations 1995 in relation to England by: (a) inserting a definition of flavouring, as the Regulations now apply to control the use of miscellaneous additives in flavourings; (b) bringing up to date the definition of "Directive 95/2/EC" to cover the amendment of that Directive by Directive 2003/114/EC (regulation 3(b)); (c) substituting a new definition for the term "stabiliser" to include substances which increase the binding capacity of food (regulation 3(d)); (d) making an amendment to regulation 4 to ensure that a flavouring which lawfully has in or on it a permitted miscellaneous additive can be used as an ingredient in a compound food (regulation 4); (e) providing that where a permitted miscellaneous additive used in a flavouring performs a technological function in the final food in which that flavouring is an ingredient, it is to be regarded as an additive of the final food (regulation 5); (f) prohibiting the use of additives in flavourings in quantities greater than the minimum necessary, or in circumstances where they would be a hazard to human health or misleading to the consumer, and making contravention an offence (regulation 5); (g) making transitional provision to allow the marketing of additives, flavourings or foods marketed or labelled before 27 January 2006, which are legal under existing rules (regulation 6); (h) making provision for the restricted use of additives in flavourings; (i) bringing up to date the title of Part 4 of Schedule 8 to take account of Commission Directive 1999/21/EC on dietary foods for special medical. In addition they make amendments relative to single additives. Texto completo Inglés Página web www.opsi.gov.uk Referencias - Legislación Implementa Directive 2003/114/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Directive 95/2/EC on food additives other than colours and sweeteners. Legislación | Unión Europea | 2003 Palabra clave: Control de calidad de los alimentos/inocuidad de los alimentos, Aditivos alimentarios Fuente: FAO, FAOLEX Enmienda Miscellaneous Food Additives Regulations 1995 (S.I. No. 3187 of 1995). Legislación | Reino Unido | 1995 Palabra clave: Control de calidad de los alimentos/inocuidad de los alimentos, Aditivos alimentarios, Normas, Comercio interior Fuente: FAO, FAOLEX