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African Swine Fever (Wales) Order 2003 (S.I. No. 3273 (W. 323) of 2003).

Sous-division territoriale
Type du document
Mot clé
Aliments pour animaux Parasites/maladies Inspection Quarantaine Santé des animaux
Aire géographique
Îles de l'Océan Atlantique, Europe, Europe et Asie Centrale, Atlantique Nord, Mer du Nord, Atlantique du Nord-Est, Europe du Nord
Entry into force notes
Coming into force on 5 December 2003.

This Order implements in Wales Council Directive 2002/60/EC revising Community measures for the control of African swine fever. The Order: (a) requires any person who suspects that a pig or carcase is infected with African swine fever (the disease) to notify the Divisional Veterinary Manager and imposes restrictions on the movement of pigs or carcases or other things from the premises (art. 4); (b) requires a veterinary inspector to serve a notice imposing the requirements set out in the notice to be complied with in circumstances where he suspects the disease may exist (art. 5); (c) permits a veterinary inspector to serve a further notice imposing additional restrictions to those required by article 5 (art. 6); (d) where the presence of the disease is confirmed on a holding, requires a veterinary inspector to serve a notice on the occupier of the holding requiring him to ensure that the restrictions and requirements in article 5 and any applicable requirements of article 6 are carried out (art. 7); (e) sets out the measures which must be taken where the disease is confirmed in a slaughterhouse, knacker's yard or on a means of transport (art. 8) (f) sets out the action that should be taken where it is suspected that the disease may have been transferred to or from the infected or suspected premises to or from other premises (art. 9); (g) provides for the establishment of temporary control zones (art. 10); (h) requires the Secretary of State, on confirmation of disease, to establish an area around an outbreak site of the disease and provides for this area to be split into a protection and a surveillance zone (art. 11 and Schedule 1); (i) sets out requirements for cleansing and disinfection (art. 12); (j) sets out the measures to be taken where the disease is suspected or confirmed in feral pigs (arts. 13 14 and Schedule 2); (k) prohibits the use of the African swine fever vaccine, unless the Secretary of State authorises it (art. 15); (l) gives power to an inspector to take action to ensure that the requirements of this Order are carried out where any person fails to comply with those restrictions and requirements (art. 16); (m) provides the specifics as to the exercise of certain of the powers of veterinary inspectors.

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Références - Législation


Council Directive 2002/60/EC laying down specific provisions for the control of African swine fever and amending Directive 92/119/EEC as regards Teschen disease and African swine fever.

Législation | Union européenne | 2002

Mot clé: Santé des animaux, Parasites/maladies, Désinfection, Hygiène/procédures sanitaires, Porcins, Quarantaine, Système d'alerte précoce, Vaccination, Politique/planification, Collecte de données/déclarations, Inspection



Feeding Stuffs Regulations 2000 (S.I. No. 2481 of 2000).

Législation | Royaume-Uni | 2000

Mot clé: Aquaculture, Aliments pour animaux, Santé des animaux, Hormones/stéroïdes, Commerce intérieur, Inspection


Feeding Stuffs (Sampling and Analysis) Regulations 1999 (S.I. No. 1663).

Législation | Royaume-Uni | 1999

Mot clé: Aliments pour animaux, Santé des animaux, Normes, Inspection


Feeding Stuffs (Enforcement) Regulations 1999 (S.I. No. 2325).

Législation | Royaume-Uni | 1999

Mot clé: Aliments pour animaux, Santé des animaux, Normes, Inspection


Abrogé par

Diseases of Swine Regulations 2014 (S.I. No. 1894 of 2014).

Législation | Royaume-Uni | 2014

Mot clé: Santé des animaux, Parasites/maladies, Porcins, Abattage, Quarantaine, Transport/dépôt, Inspection, Désinfection, Vaccination, Mise en application, Infractions/sanctions