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Framework Convention on the Protection and Sustainable Development of the Carpathians

Tipo de documento
Campo de aplicación
May 22, 2003
IUCN (ID: TRE-001374)
Lugar de adopción
Entrada en vigor
Ene 4, 2006
Medio ambiente gen.
Palabra clave
Monitoreo Zona protegida Principio de cautela Manejo de tierras Agroforestal Transporte/depósito Especies en peligro Conservación del ecosistema Sistema de alerta rápida/sistema de intervención de emergencia Investigación Planificación ambiental Energía renovable Especies exóticas Efluente de aguas residuales/vertido Principio contaminador-pagador Calidad de las aguas dulces/contaminación de las aguas dulces Cuenca/área de captación/cuenca colectora Protección del hábitat Participación pública Conservación de energía/producción de energía Educación Turismo Desarrollo sostenible OGM Uso sostenible Solución de controversias Indicatores ambientales Ordenación/conservación Protecíon de las especies Patrimonio cultural EIA Abastecimiento de agua Biodiversidad Zona de montaña

Objective: To pursue a comprehensive policy and cooperate for the protection of sustainable development of the Carpathians with a view to improving the quality of life, strengthening local economies and communities and conserving natural values and cultural heritage.

Summary of provisions: Article 2 affirms the principles which are to guide the measures taken by the Parties, including precaution, prevention, polluter pays, public participation and stakeholder involvement, transboundary cooperation, integrated planning and management of land and water resources, as well as the ecosystem and programmatic approaches. Parties are to pursue policies aiming at conservation, sustainable use and restoration of biological and landscape diversity throughout the Carpathians (art. 4.1). Parties undertake to pursue policies aimed at the prevention of introduction of alien invasive species and release of genetically modified organisms threatening ecosystems, habitats or species, and at their control or eradication (art.4.3). Parties agree to cooperate in developing an ecological network, in establishing and supporting a Carpathian Network of Protected Areas, as well as enhance conservation and sustainable management outside of protected areas (art. 4.5). Parties further undertake to pursue policies for sustainable and integrated water/river basin management (art.6), sustainable agriculture and forestry (art.7), sustainable transport and infrastructure (art. 8), sustainable tourism (art.9), industry and energy (art. 10), cultural heritage and knowledge (art.11) and awareness raising, education and public participation (art. 13). Moreover, the Parties agree to apply where necessary risk assessments, environmental impact assessments and strategic environmental assessments and consult on projects of transboundary character to avoid transboundary harmful effects (art. 12.1)

Institutional mechanisms: A Conference of the Parties is established (art.14) as well as a Secretariat (art.15). Subsidiary bodies are to provide the Conference with technical assistance, information and advice on specific issues (art.16).

(Source: IUCN ELC, 08.2005)

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