Third report on the protection of the atmosphere Corporate author International Law Commission Date 2016 Source IUCN (ID: MON-091067) Publisher | Place of publication United Nations Pages 52 p. Document type Document of international organization Conference name | place | date International Law Commission sixty-eight session | Geneva, Switzerland | 20160704-20160812 Language English Field of application International Subject Air & atmosphere Keyword Climate change International agreement-text Air quality/air pollution Ozone layer Abstract By Shinya Murase, Special Rapporteur Full text MON-091067.pdf References - Literature Reference Second report on the protection of the atmosphere Author: International Law Commission Publisher: United Nations | 2015 Literature | International Keyword: International agreement-text, Climate change, Air quality/air pollution, Ozone layer Source: IUCN (ID: MON-091066) First report on the protection of the atmosphere Author: International Law Commission Publisher: United Nations | 2014 Literature | International Keyword: International agreement-text, Climate change, Air quality/air pollution, Ozone layer Source: IUCN (ID: MON-091065)