Sacred Natural Sites – Support for custodian protocols and customary laws in the face of global threats and challenges Corporate author IUCN Date 2012 Source IUCN (ID: MON-091588) Title (French) Sites naturels sacrés – Soutenir les protocoles traditionnels et le droit coutumier face aux menaces et défis mondiaux Title (Spanish) Sitios Naturales Sagrados – Apoyo a los protocolos para su custodia y el derecho consuetudinario frente a las amenazas y desafíos globales Reference number WCC 2012 Rec 147 (WCC-2012-Rec-147) Publisher | Place of publication IUCN | Gland, Switzerland Document type Soft law - Declaration/recommendation Conference name | place | date IUCN World Conservation Congress | Jeju, Republic of Korea | 20120906-20120915 Language English, French, Spanish Field of application International Subject Wild species & ecosystems Keyword Agriculture and environment International agreement-implementation Gender and natural resources Protected area Ethics and environment Indigenous peoples Full text WCC_2012_REC_147_EN.pdf WCC_2012_REC_147_FR.pdf WCC_2012_REC_147_ES.pdf Website