Restoring Forest Landscapes - An introduction to the art and science of forest landscape restoration Corporate author IUCN Date 2005 Source IUCN (ID: MON-092692) Publisher | Place of publication ITTO | Yokohama, Japan Pages 142 p. Document type Article in periodical Language English Field of application International Subject Forestry Keyword Forest management/forest conservation Forestry protection measures Protection forest Afforestation/reforestation Abstract This book has been written by a team of experts from a wide variety of institutions coordinated by ITTO and IUCN. It explains the FLR concept and describes its main elements in chapters on adaptive management, landscape mosaics, landscape dynamics, stakeholder approaches, the identification of site-level options, hands-on site-level forest restoration and rehabilitation strategies, scenario modelling, and monitoring and evaluation. The result is by far the most comprehensive and easy-to-understand treatment of FLR yet written. It complements other work being carried out within the Global Partnership on Forest Landscape Restoration. Full text MON-092692.pdf