Governance of Shared Waters - Legal and Institutional Issues Author Aguilar G., Iza A. Date 2011 Source IUCN (ID: MON-085815) Title (Spanish) Gobernanza de aguas compartidas: aspectos jurídicos e institucionales Publisher | Place of publication IUCN | Gland ISBN ISBN 978-2-8317-1391-5(en), 978-2-8317-1078-5(sp) Pages 227 p. Document type Monography/book, Serial/multi-volume work Language English Field of application International Subject Water Keyword Freshwater resources management Basin/catchment/watershed Public participation Transboundary effects EIA Ecosystem preservation Abstract This book, part of the Environmental Policy and Law Paper, was elaborated by Grethel Aguilar, Regional Director of IUCN-Mesoamerica and Alejandro Iza, Director of the IUCN Environmental Law Centre. It uses international law as a starting point and explains how its provision and principles can be used as a mechanism for a good management of shared basins and the promotion of good water governance at the transboundary level. The aim of this book is to help to strengthen the capacities of decision-makers and water stakeholders, promote the cooperation between States that share water resources, and eventually contribute to further regional integration within the context of a political border that must be understood as a space to test and to forge cooperation and in which water has a fundamental role to play. The book provides most important legal and institutional features of water management at the global level but with special emphasis in Central America. Full text MON-085815.pdf MON-085815sp.pdf Website