Die unmittelbare Anwendung der Protokolle der Alpenkonvention in Österreich Author Bußjäger P. Journal/Series Natur und Recht | Jahrg.32(11); 759 - 766; 8 p. Date 2010 Source IUCN (ID: ANA-084443) Publisher | Place of publication jetzt: Springer-Verlag (früher: Verlag Paul Parey bzw.Blackwell Wissenschafts -Verlag GmbH-Berlin | Berlin, Heidelberg, Germany ISSN 0892-7138 Document type Article in periodical Language German Country/Territory Austria Subject Environment gen. Keyword International agreement-implementation Other references Treaty Convention concerning the Protection of the Alps Treaty | Multilateral | Salzburg | Nov 7, 1991 Keyword: Land-use planning, Mountain area, International agreement-text, Agricultural land, Polluter pays principle, National parks, Air quality/air pollution, Energy conservation/energy production, Ecosystem preservation, Soil conservation/soil improvement, Monitoring, Forest management/forest conservation, International relations/cooperation, Management/conservation, Local government, Biodiversity, Tourism, Protected area, Data collection/reporting, Sustainable development, Freshwater quality/freshwater pollution, Research, Waste management Source: IUCN (ID: TRE-001126)