Change : Adaptation of water resources management to climate change Author Bergkamp G., Orlando B., Burton I. Date 2003 Source IUCN (ID: MON-069574) Title (French) Changez : Adapter la gestion des ressources en eau au changement climatique Title (Spanish) Cambio : Adaptión de la gestión de los recursos hídricos al cambio climático Publisher | Place of publication IUCN | Gland, Switzerland ISBN 2-8317-0702-1, 2-8317-0755-2, 2-8317-0754-4 Pages 53 p. Document type Document of international organization Language English, Spanish, French Field of application International Subject Air & atmosphere, Water Keyword Climate change Freshwater resources management Abstract Climate change is here and will be with us for the long term. The challenge facing water professionals is how to make decisions in the face of this new uncertainty. This book outlines a new management approach that moves beyond technical quick fixes towards a more adaptive style that is inclusive and innovative. Only by thinking, working and learning together can we tackle the impacts on water resources and uncertainties induced by climate change. Full text MON-069574fr.pdf MON-069574en.pdf MON-069574sp.pdf Website