Best practice for industrial-scale development projects Corporate author IUCN Date 2016 Source IUCN (ID: MON-091332) Title (French) Bonnes pratiques pour les projets de développement à échelle industrielle Title (Spanish) Buenas prácticas para los proyectos de desarrollo a escala industrial Reference number WCC 2016 Res 067 (6.067) Publisher | Place of publication IUCN | Gland, Switzerland Document type Soft law - Decision/resolution Conference name | place | date IUCN World Conservation Congress | Hawaii, U.S.A. | 20160901-20160910 Language English, French, Spanish Field of application International Subject Environment gen. Keyword Economy and environment Business/industry/corporations Full text WCC_2016_RES_067_EN.pdf WCC_2016_RES_067_FR.pdf WCC_2016_RES_067_ES.pdf Website