Auf dem richtigen Kurs? Die Strafverfolgung sog. Verklappungsfahrten Author Brandt E. Journal/Series Natur und Recht | Vol.38(8), p. 539-543 Date 2016 Source IUCN (ID: ANA-090935) Publisher | Place of publication jetzt: Springer-Verlag (früher: Verlag Paul Parey bzw.Blackwell Wissenschafts -Verlag GmbH-Berlin | Berlin, Heidelberg, Germany ISSN 0172-1631 Document type Article in periodical Language German Country/Territory European Union Subject Sea, Waste & hazardous substances Keyword Marine pollution (dumping at sea) Other references Treaty International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL) as modified by the Protocol of 1978 (MARPOL 73/78) Treaty | Multilateral | London | Feb 17, 1978 Keyword: Court/tribunal, Enforcement/compliance, International relations/cooperation, Monitoring, Dispute settlement, Certification, Transport/storage, Marine pollution (dumping at sea), Marine pollution (ship-based sources), Maritime zone, Resource/damage valuation, Offences/penalties, Data collection/reporting, Hazardous substances, Survey/mapping, Inspection, Standards, Liability/compensation, Oil pollution, Navigation, Oil Source: IUCN (ID: TRE-000112)