A Heightened Perspective - Regional Assessment of the Policy, Legislative and Institutional Frameworks Implementing the Carpathian Convention Corporate author The Regional Environmental Center for Central and Eastern Europe, European Academy Bolzano Date 2008 Source IUCN (ID: MON-082537) Publisher | Place of publication The Regional Environmental Center for Central and Eastern Europe | Szentendre, Hungary ISBN 978-963-9638-33-4 Pages 142 p. Document type Monography/book Language English Field of application International Subject Environment gen. Keyword Policy/planning Other references Treaty Framework Convention on the Protection and Sustainable Development of the Carpathians Treaty | Multilateral | Kiev | May 22, 2003 Keyword: Protected area, Public participation, Cultural heritage, Renewable energy, Ecosystem preservation, Water supply, Alien species, Endangered species, Education, Sustainable use, Environmental indicators, Precautionary principle, Basin/catchment/watershed, Biodiversity, GMO, Polluter pays principle, Tourism, Research, Protection of species, Protection of habitats, Monitoring, Mountain area, Transport/storage, Energy conservation/energy production, Land-use planning, Freshwater quality/freshwater pollution, Effluent waste water/discharge, Agro-forestry, Management/conservation, Sustainable development, Early warning system/emergency intervention system, Dispute settlement, EIA, Environmental planning Source: IUCN (ID: TRE-001374)