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The Environmental Targets (Biodiversity) (England) Regulations 2023 (S.I. 2023 No. 91).

United Kingdom
Territorial subdivision
Document type
Wild species & ecosystems
Data collection/reporting Ecosystem preservation Endangered species Environmental standards Protection of habitats Protection of species Risk assessment/management Standards Biodiversity Protection of environment
Geographical area
Atlantic Ocean Islands, Europe, Europe and Central Asia, North Atlantic, North Sea, North-East Atlantic, Northern Europe

These Regulations set long-term targets in respect of biodiversity under section 1 of the Environment Act 2021 (c. 30). These Regulations also set a target in relation to the abundance of species in accordance with section 3 of the Environment Act 2021. The Regulations specify the standard to be achieved in respect of each target, the date by which it must be achieved, they clarify how the target is to be measured and provide the reporting date. Part 2 makes provision in respect of a long-term biodiversity target to reduce the risk of species’ extinction by 2042, when compared to the risk of species’ extinction in 2022 (regulation 4). Part 3 makes provision in respect of a long-term biodiversity target to ensure that in excess of 500,000 hectares of a range of wildlife-rich habitats are to be restored or created by 31st December 2042 (regulation 7). “wildlife-rich habitat” is defined under Regulation 8 and Schedule 1. Part 4 is organized in two chapters. Chapter 1, 2030 Species abundance target (overall relative species abundance index on the specified date indicates that the decline in the abundance of species has been halted) and Chapter 2 Species abundance: long-term target (reverse the decline of species abundance by 2042). Schedule 2 provides a list of species for which data are included in the relative species abundance indices.

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References - Legislation


Environment Act 2021 (Chapter 30).

Legislation | United Kingdom | 2021

Keyword: Air quality/air pollution, Emissions, Environmental planning, Environmental standards, Governance, Policy/planning, Pollution control, Standards, Protection of environment, Framework law, Environmental audit, EIA, Monitoring, Data collection/reporting, Research, Forest management/forest conservation, Forestry protection measures, Protection forest, Risk assessment/management, Organic waste, Packaging/labelling, Polluter pays principle, Transport/storage, Transboundary movement of waste, Waste management, Waste prevention, Subsidy/incentive, Drainage/land reclamation, Effluent waste water/discharge, Water quality standards, Freshwater resources management, Water shortage/drought, Priorities, Freshwater pollution, Water abstraction, Basic legislation, Ecosystem preservation, Biodiversity, Endangered species, Protected area, Protection of habitats, Protection of species, Traceability/product tracing