Regulation No. 1160 amending Waste Regulation on recycling of waste. Country/Territory Norway Document type Regulation Date 2014 Source FAO, FAOLEX Subject Waste & hazardous substances Keyword Waste disposal Waste domestic sources Waste management Inspection Legal proceedings/administrative proceedings Geographical area Europe, Europe and Central Asia, North Atlantic, North Sea, North-East Atlantic, Northern Europe Entry into force notes 1 January 2015. Abstract This Regulation partly amends Chapter 15 of the Waste Act (previously omitted), whereby the following articles have been added to the once repealed Chapter: (Purpose) to ensure that waste fee for statutory management of household waste is determined in accordance with article 34, section 1 of Pollution Control Act; (Scope) this section does not apply to municipal waste management on the sale of waste services; (Chapter 15.6) the Municipal Council chief executive, general manager of municipal enterprises, and the control and municipal audit shall follow the applicable rules on inspection of the municipality's activities, in accordance to Municipality Act’s articles 20 (No. 2), art. 23 (No. 2) art 71 (No. 2) and Chapter 12. In addition, the regulations are intended to prevent illegal cross-subsidization between the municipality's legality in handling household waste and waste services the municipality sells on the market, including waste services related to the management of industrial waste and household waste from other municipalities'traded waste services. Full text Norwegian Website References - Legislation Implements Pollution Act (No. 6 of 1981). Legislation | Norway | 1981 (2019) Keyword: Air quality/air pollution, Pollution control, Basic legislation, EIA, Marine pollution, Effluent waste water/discharge, Soil conservation/soil improvement, Soil pollution/quality, Continental shelf, Maritime zone, Liability/compensation, Freshwater pollution Source: FAO, FAOLEX Amends Waste Regulation No. 930. Legislation | Norway | 2004 Keyword: Waste management, Pollution control, Hazardous waste, Transport/storage, Recycling/reuse, Environmental planning, Policy/planning Source: FAO, FAOLEX