Order No. 450 on production of potatoes. Country/Territory Denmark Document type Regulation Date 2011 Source FAO, FAOLEX Subject Agricultural & rural development, Food & nutrition, Cultivated plants Keyword Agricultural development Research Classification/declassification Packaging/labelling Agricultural commodities Consumer protection Food quality control/food safety Inspection Standards Vegetables/legumes Hygiene/sanitary procedures Planting material/seeds Internal trade Pests/diseases Plant production Plant protection Geographical area Europe, Europe and Central Asia, European Union Countries, North Sea, North-East Atlantic, Northern Europe Entry into force notes Entry into force on 19 May 2011. Abstract This Order establishes regulations on commercial production and sale of potatoes and sorting of potato seeds and packaging procedures. Production of potato seeds must not take place on soil utilized for waste and distance of seeds in soil is specified in order to avoid risks of spreading of plant disease and bacteria. Machinery and equipment serving these purposes must undergo disinfect and hygiene procedures. Surveys take place to ensure these rules are being observed and shall be classified and approved by the Plant Directorate according to current quality standards adhering to EU regulations. Full text Danish Website www.retsinformation.dk References - Legislation Implements Council Directive 2007/33/EC on the control of potato cyst nematodes and repealing Directive 69/465/EEC. Legislation | European Union | 2007 Keyword: Plant protection, Pests/diseases, Vegetables/legumes Source: FAO, FAOLEX Commission Directive 2008/62/EC providing for certain derogations for acceptance of agricultural landraces and varieties which are naturally adapted to the local and regional conditions and threatened by genetic erosion and for marketing of seed and seed potatoes of those landraces and varieties. Legislation | European Union | 2008 Keyword: Plant protection, Plant variety, Planting material/seeds, Cereals/grains/rice, Sugar cane/sugar beet, Vegetables/legumes, Plant production, Crops/grasses, Agricultural commodities Source: FAO, FAOLEX Plant Pest Act (No. 14 of 2017). Legislation | Denmark | 1984 (2009) Keyword: Pesticides, Pollution control, Soil pollution/quality, Plant protection, Crops/grasses, Pests/diseases, Monitoring Source: FAO, FAOLEX Commission Directive 92/105/EEC establishing a degree of standardization for plant passports to be used for the movement of certain plants, plant products or other objects within the Community, and establishing the detailed procedures related to the issuing of such plant passports and the conditions and detailed procedures for their replacement. Legislation | European Union | 1992 Keyword: Internal trade, Packaging/labelling, Planting material/seeds, Plant production Source: FAO, FAOLEX Council Directive 2002/56/EC on the marketing of seed potatoes. Legislation | European Union | 2002 Keyword: Planting material/seeds, Certification, Packaging/labelling, Internal trade, Plant production Source: FAO, FAOLEX Council Directive 2000/29/EC on protective measures against the introduction into the Community of organisms harmful to plants or plant products and against their spread within the Community. Legislation | European Union | 2000 Keyword: Basic legislation, Plant protection, Pests/diseases, Inspection, Certification Source: FAO, FAOLEX Act relevant to seeds, potatoes and plants (No. 12 of 2017). Legislation | Denmark | 1991 (2017) Keyword: Internal trade, Plant production, Planting material/seeds, Inspection, Registration, Data collection/reporting, Basic legislation Source: FAO, FAOLEX Repealed by Order No. 594 on production of potatoes. Legislation | Denmark | 2013 Keyword: Agricultural development, Research, Classification/declassification, Packaging/labelling, Agricultural commodities, Consumer protection, Food quality control/food safety, Inspection, Standards, Vegetables/legumes, Hygiene/sanitary procedures, Planting material/seeds, Internal trade, Pests/diseases, Plant production, Plant protection Source: FAO, FAOLEX