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Law No. 4014 on the environmental licensing of works and activities, regulation of illegal constructions in connection with environmental stability and other provisions falling under the competence of the Ministry of Environment.

Document type
Original source
Efimeris tis Kyverniseos No. 209, Part I, 21 September 2011, pp. 6215-6250.
Environment gen.
Legal proceedings/administrative proceedings Authorization/permit Classification/declassification EIA Emissions Environmental planning Policy/planning
Geographical area
Europe, Europe and Central Asia, European Union Countries, Mediterranean, Southern Europe
Entry into force notes
The provisions of Part A of this Law shall enter into force one month after its publication in the Official Gazette unless otherwise provided for by its individual sections; Part B of the Law shall enter into force on the day of its publication in the Official Gazette.

This law provides for the environmental assessment of works and activities in order to grand an authorisation (permit) to build (Part A, articles 1 to 22). It also makes provisions for the regulation of illegally constructed buildings, with the aim to promoting a better environmental stability (Part B, articles 23 to 37). The works and activities of the public and private sector, which their construction or their operation may cause environmental impacts, are classified in two categories (A and B). The first category (A) includes the works and activities which may cause significant environmental impacts and for which an Environmental Impact Assessment Study is required so as to be established the special terms and restrictions for the protection of the environment with regard to that particular work or activity, according to the provisions of articles 2, 3 and 4 to the present law. The works and activities of category A are classified: a) in those causing severe environmental impacts (subcategory A1) and b) in those that cause important environmental impacts (subcategory A2). The second category (B) includes works and activities which are only characterized by environmental impacts at a local level and do not compromise significantly the environment. The works falling under this category are subject to general specifications, terms and restrictions, according to the procedures established in article 8 to this law. Article 10 provides for the environmental building authorisation within areas included in the Natura 2000 network. Article 20 aligns the Greek legislation with article 23 “Environmental inspections” of Council Directive 2010/75/EU on industrial emissions and integrated pollution prevention and control. The works and activities are classified into the various categories according to the criteria set forth in Annex I to the law. Annex II provides for the content of the Environmental Impact Assessment Study. The salient point of Chapter B of the law regarding the arrangement of issues concerning illegally constructed buildings, is that as from the entry into force of the present law, any transfer or legal right on a real estate property must be accompanied with a written statement, made by the owner and certified by an engineer, declaring that the building in question does not include illegally built parts or use.

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References - Legislation


Directive 2010/75/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council on industrial emissions (integrated pollution prevention and control).

Legislation | European Union | 2010

Keyword: Pollution control, Air quality/air pollution, Emissions, Basic legislation, Environmental standards, Business/industry/corporations, Integrated management, Standards, Protection of environment, Soil conservation/soil improvement, Waste management, Effluent waste water/discharge, Waste non-domestic sources, Pesticides, Drugs, Freshwater pollution



Law No. 1650 on the protection for the environment.

Legislation | Greece | 1986

Keyword: Framework law, Basic legislation, Ecosystem preservation, Environmental planning, Protected area, Soil conservation/soil improvement, Waste disposal, EIA, Policy/planning, Freshwater pollution, Pollution control


Implemented by

Ministerial Decree No. 1958 classifying works and activities of the public and private sector into categories, pursuant to article 1, paragraph 4 of Law No. 4014/2011.

Legislation | Greece | 2012

Keyword: Legal proceedings/administrative proceedings, Classification/declassification, EIA


Presidential Decree no. 39 of 2023 - Establishment and maintenance of the Register of Environmental Auditors of the Ministry of Environment and Energy and regulation of issues concerning Environmental Auditors.

Legislation | Greece | 2023

Keyword: Legal proceedings/administrative proceedings, Authorization/permit, Certification, Classification/declassification, Environmental audit, Environmental fees/charges, Inspection, Monitoring, Recycling/reuse, Registration


Amended by

Law no. 4685 of 2020. Modernisation of environmental legislation, incorporation into Greek legislation of Directives 2018/844 and 2019/692 of the European Parliament and of the Council and other provisions.

Legislation | Greece | 2020

Keyword: Agricultural commodities, Agricultural development, Irrigation, Energy conservation/energy production, Natural gas, Renewable energy, Use restrictions, Authorization/permit, Climate change, Ecofriendly products/ecofriendly processes, Emissions, Environmental audit, EIA, Environmental planning, Framework law, Hazardous waste, Mining, Protection of environment, Public health, Solid waste, Sustainable development, Waste disposal, Waste management, Zoning, Policy/planning, Aquaculture, Fishing gear/fishing method, Non-commercial fishing, Fishery management and conservation, Forest management/forest conservation, Survey/mapping, National parks, Protected area, Cadastre/land registration, Land-use planning, Private land, Public land, Sewerage, Water supply, Biodiversity, Education, Forest fires, Institution, Protection of habitats, Protection of species, Tourism


Joint Ministerial Decision No. 5688/2018 amending Annexes of Law No. 4014/2011 (A 209), in accordance with Directive 2014/52/EU amending Directive 2011/92/EU on the assessment of impact of certain public and private projects on the environment of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 April 2014.

Legislation | Greece | 2018

Keyword: Legal proceedings/administrative proceedings, Classification/declassification, EIA, Ecosystem preservation, Waste disposal, Waste management, Pollution control, Noise pollution, Early warning system, Risk assessment/management