Law No. 38/11 creating the National Parks of Luengue-Luiana, Mavinga and Mayombe within the provinces of Kuando Kubango and Cabinda. Country/Territory Angola Document type Legislation Date 2011 Source FAO, FAOLEX Original source Diário da República, I Série, No. 251. Subject Wild species & ecosystems Keyword Protected area National parks Tourism Protection of habitats Ecosystem preservation Zoning Protection of species Geographical area Africa, Central Africa, Least Developed Countries, South Atlantic Entry into force notes This Law enters into force on the day of its publication. Abstract This Law, consisting of 3 Chapters and 2 geographical maps, creates the National Parks of Luengue-Luiana, Mavinga and Mayombe within the provinces of Kuando Kubango and Cabinda. These National Parks were created for the protection, preservation and conservation of the biological diversity and aim at: protecting the ecological ecosystems of the Zambezi Region within the South-Eastern Angola; protecting the genetic and the local species resources, as well as the natural heritage conserving their environmental, geological and historical characteristics; protecting and maintaining the wild fauna and flora and other environmental habitats in order to guarantee the preservation of the local ecosystems; promoting the development of eco-tourism as a form of sustainable socio-economic exploitation. Two geographical maps are appended to the text specifying the limits of these protected areas. Full text Portuguese Website