Law No. 29 on energy saving. Country/Territory Tajikistan Document type Legislation Date 2002 Source FAO, FAOLEX Subject Energy Keyword Energy conservation/energy production Renewable energy Certification Geographical area Asia, Central Asia, CIS (Commonwealth of Independent States), Europe and Central Asia, Landlocked Developing Nations, North Asia Entry into force notes The Law enters into force on the date of its official publication. Abstract This Law regulates the relations in the sphere of energy saving with a view of more efficient use of energy resources. It establishes that energy saving shall be a priority of the state policy in the sphere of energy. The Act consists of seven Chapters divided into 24 articles: (1) general provisions; (2) state regulation; (3) standardization, certification and metrology; (4) economic and financial mechanisms of energy saving; (5) international cooperation; (6) vocational training and access to information; and (7) liability. The sphere of application of this Law shall be: (a) energy production, conservation and transportation; (b) renewable energy; (c) scientific research; (d) state supervision over the rational and efficient utilization of energy resources; and (e) access to information on energy sources, use of renewable energy and new fuels. The state management of energy saving shall be carried out by the authorized state institutions. Energy consuming devices and energy resources shall be subject to compulsory certification for compliance with energetic efficiency. Full text Russian Website