Treaty of peace between the State of Israel and the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan Type du document Bilatéral Champ d'application Régional/restreint Date Oct 26, 1994 Source FAO, FAOLEX; IUCN (ID: TRE-152409) Titre (Autre) معاهدة السلام بين المملكة الاردنية الهاشمية واسرائيل Lieu d'adoption Arava Langue Anglais Sujet Eau Mot clé Règlement des différends Accord international-texte Eaux continentales Institution Bassin/captage/bassin versant Résumé The Treaty aims, in the framework of a just, lasting and comprehensive peace in the Near East, at the development of friendly relations and cooperation between the Parties in accordance with the principles of international law governing international relations in time of peace. The international boundary between Israel and Jordan shall be delimited according to Annex I to the Treaty. Where the boundary follows a river, in the event of natural changes in the course of the flow of the river as described in Annex I (a), the boundary shall follow the new course of the flow. The provisions set out in Annexes I (b) and I (c) will apply respectively to the areas of Naharayim/Baqura, which is under the Jordanian sovereignty, with Israeli private ownership rights, and to the area of Zofar/Al-Ghmr. Disputes arising out of the application or interpretation of the Treaty shall be resolved by negotiation. Any such disputes which cannot be settled by negotiations shall be resolved by conciliation or submitted to arbitration (art. 29). The Treaty is integrated by the following Annexes (apart from Annex I mentioned above): Water (II); Crime and Drugs (III); Environment (IV); Interim measures (V). Texte intégral Autre Site web Pays/Territoire/Participant Vue étendue Montrer la carte Des pays Entrée en vigueur Israël - Jordanie - reset zoom out zoom in