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Protocole d'application de la convention alpine de 1991 dans le domaine des transports

Type du document
Champ d'application
Oct 31, 2000
IUCN (ID: TRE-001330)
Titre (Anglais)

Protocol for the implementation of the Alpine Convention of 1991 in the field of transport

Titre (Autre)

Protokoll zur Durchführung der Alpenkonvention von 1991 im Bereich Verkehr

Lieu d'adoption
Français, Allemand, Italien, Slovène
Entrée en vigueur
Déc 18, 2002
Terre et sols, Air et atmosphère, Espèces sauvages et écosystèmes, Environnement gén.
Mot clé
Collecte de données/déclarations Émissions Lutte contre la pollution Accès-à-l'information Transport/dépôt Pollution sonore (de l'environnement) Collectivité locale Principe de précaution Zone de montagne Navigation Indicateurs environnementaux Monitorage Bruit des véhicules Bruit des transports aériens Planification territoriale Pollution atmosphérique (sources mobiles) EIA Relations internationales/coopération Normes environnementales Recherche Développement durable Principe pollueur-payeur Mise en application Protection de l'habitat Éducation Protection des espèces
Aire géographique

Objectives: To promote a sustainable transport policy in order to reduce environmental risks and nuisances, to contribute to the sustainable development of the Alpine region, to reduce detrimental effects of transport on the conservation of biological diversity and Alpine natural and cultural heritage, and to ensure alpine and transalpine traffic. Summary of provisions: Parties undertake to develop transport on the basis of the precautionary principle, as well as the prevention principle and the 'polluter pays' principle (art. 1). Territorial communities are to participate in the preparation and implementation of transport policies (art. 5), and to co-operate with qualified institutions. Parties agree to promote rational and safe management of transports, in particular harmonised transfrontier networks (art. 7), to undertake co-ordinated impact and risk assessments (art. 8), and to promote integration of transport policies into corporate business policies. The Protocol provides extensive technical measures applying to public transports (art. 9), to railway, waterway, road and air transport (art. 10 to 12), and to tourism infrastructures (art. 13). Parties further agree to regularly report on the implementation of the Protocol and to set environmental quality objectives in order to assess the increase in nuisances linked to transport on health and the environment (art. 16). Finally, Parties commit themselves to co-ordinate and exchange information on their transport policies (art. 17), and to promote and harmonise research, education, and training in transport-related issues (art 18 and 19).

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