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Protocole d'application de la Convention alpine dans le domaine de la protection de la nature et de l'entretien des paysages

Type du document
Champ d'application
Déc 20, 1994
IUCN (ID: TRE-001212)
Titre (Anglais)

Protocol for the implementation of the Alpine Convention in the field of nature protection and landscape conservation

Titre (Autre)

Protokoll zur Durchführung der Alpenkonvention im Bereich Naturschutz und Landschaftspflege

Lieu d'adoption
Français, Allemand, Italien, Slovène
Entrée en vigueur
Déc 18, 2002
Terre et sols, Espèces sauvages et écosystèmes, Forêts
Mot clé
Collecte de données/déclarations Aire protégée Préservation de l'écosystème Re-empoissonnement/repeuplement Accord international-texte Accès-à-l'information Collectivité locale Zone de montagne Monitorage Flore sauvage Biodiversité Planification territoriale Inventaire EIA Chasse/capture Relations internationales/coopération Protection de l'habitat Faune sauvage Économie et environnement Gestion/conservation Produits de la chasse Espèces exotiques Protection des espèces Relevés/plans
Aire géographique

The present Protocol, which consists of five Chapters and two Annexes, has been concluded by the Parties in implementation of the Alpine Convention of 1991, with particular regard to the protection of nature and of the landscape. The aim hereby pursued is the conservation of the natural environment and of the landscape, with a view to guaranteeing the preservation of animal and plant species and their natural habitats and to ensuring the reproduction of natural resources (art. 1). The Parties undertake to enhance the international cooperation to attain such objectives (art. 3). Chapter II of the Convention lays down specific measures to be applied for the above-mentioned purposes. In particular, the signatories undertake to submit, within three years from the entry into force of this Protocol, a report relating to the status of the protection of the landscape and the natural environment, as regards the matters listed out in Annex I (which covers, among others, conditions of wild animals and wild plants, hunting, fisheries, agriculture and grazing, protected areas and nature parks). Articles 7 and 8 concern planning. In accordance with article 15, the Parties shall prohibit hunting and marketing of certain animal species as well as the gathering of certain plants. On the other hand, they shall promote the reintroduction of autochthonous species (art. 16). Article 18 deals with the release of genetically modified organisms. Chapter III regards research, education and information.

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