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Protocol d'application de la Convention alpine de 1991 dans le domaine de la protection des sols

Type du document
Champ d'application
Oct 16, 1998
IUCN (ID: TRE-001289)
Titre (Anglais)

Protocol for the Implementation of the 1991 Alpine Convention on Soil Protection

Titre (Autre)

Protokoll zur Durchführung der Alpenkonvention von 1991 im Bereich Bodenschutz

Lieu d'adoption
Français, Allemand, Italien, Slovène
Entrée en vigueur
Déc 18, 2002
Terre et sols
Mot clé
Aire protégée Collecte de données/déclarations Agro-foresterie Remise en état des sols Subvention/incitation Pollution des eaux douces/qualité des eaux douces Collectivité locale Zone de montagne Pollution du sol/qualité Conservation du sol/amélioration du sol Monitorage Érosion Élimination de déchets Zones humides Planification territoriale Approvisionnement en eau Utilisation durable Inventaire EIA Tourisme Relations internationales/coopération Recherche Développement durable Exploration Mise en application Éducation Relevés/plans
Aire géographique

Objective: To preserve soils in all their functions.

Summary of provisions: The Prevention Principle is highlighted as particularly important for the implementation of this Protocol (art. 1.5). Article 2 specifies the fundamental obligations of the Parties. Inter alia, Contracting Parties undertake to take legal and administrative measures to ensure the protection of soils in alpine areas (art. 2.1). In case of serious and persistent risk for the soils' ability to function, protection must generally prime over utilisation (art. 2.2). Parties agree to take into account the objectives of this Protocol in their other policies (art. 3) and to support a reinforced international co-operation among the competent institutions (art. 5).

Chapter II focuses on specific measures relating, inter alia, to the economical and cautious use of soils (art.7), economical use and extraction of raw material (art. 8), preservation of soils in humid areas and peat bogs (art. 9), determination and processing of risk areas (art. 10) and of areas threatened by erosion (art. 11), impacts of tourism (art. 14), limitation of polluting inputs (art. 15).

Under Chapter III, Contracting Parties commit to harmonising research and systematic collaboration to meet the objectives of the Protocol (art. 19). They further agree to organise databases with comparable input (art. 20).

Institutional mechanisms: Contracting Parties regularly submit reports to the Permanent Committee of the Convention regarding the measures undertaken to implement this Protocol, including their effectiveness (art. 24.1). The Permanent Committee examines the reports to check that Parties have fulfilled their obligations; the Committee may request additional information or resort to other information sources (art. 24.2). It reports on the Parties' respect of their obligation to the Alpine Conference (art 24.3). If the Conference notes a breach of the obligations, it may adopt recommendations (art 24.4). Contracting Parties regularly evaluate the effectiveness of the Protocol's provisions and consider revisions if needed (art. 25.1). Non governmental organisations active in this field may be consulted (art. 25.2)

(Source: IUCN ELC, 08.2005)

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