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Accord concernant une exécution commune de mesures visant visant à lutter contre le commerce illégal de faune et de flore sauvages

Type du document
Champ d'application
Sep 8, 1994
IUCN (ID: TRE-001197)
Titre (Anglais)

Lusaka Agreement on Co-operative Enforcement Operations directed at Illegal Trade in Wild Fauna and Flora

Titre (Espagnol)

Acuerdo de Lusaka sobre operaciones conjuntas de represión del comercio ilícito de fauna y flora silvestres

Titre (Autre)

Abkommen über gemeinsame Durchsetzungsmaßnahmen gegen den illegalen Handel mit wildlebenden Tieren und Pflanzen

Lieu d'adoption
NU Nations Unies
Entrée en vigueur
Déc 10, 1996
Espèces sauvages et écosystèmes
Mot clé
Faune sauvage Flore sauvage Commerce d'espèces Accord international-texte Produits de la chasse Relations internationales/coopération Mise en application au niveau national/transposition Collecte de données/déclarations Commerce international Gestion/conservation

Objectives: To reduce and ultimately eliminate illegal trade in wild fauna and flora and to establish a permanent Task Force to this end. Summary of Provisions: The area to which this Agreement applies is defined in article 1. Parties undertake, inter alia, to adopt and enforce measures with a view to investigating and prosecuting cases of illegal trade, to co-operate with one another and with the Task Force, to provide the latter with relevant information and scientific data, and to encourage reporting of illegal trade by the public. Parties also undertake to return to the country of origin or to the country of re-export any specimen of wild fauna and flora confiscated in the course of illegal trade (art. 4). Finally, Parties agree that the Task Force's functions are, inter alia, to facilitate co-operative investigation activities pertaining to illegal trade, to collect, process and disseminate information on illegal trade, and to investigate violations of national laws at the request of the Parties (art. 5). Institutional mechanisms: A Task Force is established, to be known as the Task Force for Co-operative Enforcement Operations Directed at Illegal Trade in Wild Fauna and Flora (art. 5). It will be composed of a Director, Field Officers and an Intelligence Officer. A Governing Council is also established to set the general policies of the Task Force (art. 7).

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Des pays Entrée en vigueur Ratification * Signature simple
Afrique du Sud - -
Congo -
Eswatini - -
Lesotho -
Libéria -
Tanzanie, Rép.-Unie de
Éthiopie - -

* [1] Ratification [2] Adhesion [3] Acceptation/approbation [4] Succession [5] Consentement à être lié [6] Définitive signature

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