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Convention pour la protection de la flore, de la faune et des beautés panoramiques naturelles des pays de l'Amérique

Type du document
Champ d'application
Oct 12, 1940
IUCN (ID: TRE-000085)
Titre (Anglais)

Convention on Nature Protection and Wild Life Preservation in the Western Hemisphere

Titre (Espagnol)

Convención para la protección de la flora, de la fauna, y de la bellezas escénicas naturales de los países de América

Titre (Autre)

Übereinkommen zum Schutz von Flora, Fauna und naturnaher Landschaftsbilder in der westlichen Hemisphäre

Lieu d'adoption
Washington D.C.
OEA Organisation des États Américains
Anglais, Français, Portugais, Espagnol
Entrée en vigueur
Mai 1, 1942
Espèces sauvages et écosystèmes
Mot clé
Protection de l'habitat Recherche Aire protégée Flore sauvage Gestion/conservation Faune sauvage Parcs nationaux Chasse/capture Protection des espèces Espèces menacées
Aire géographique
Amérique du Nord, Amérique latine et Caraïbes

Objectives: To preserve in their natural habitats all species and genera of native American fauna and flora from extinction, and to preserve areas of extraordinary beauty, striking geological formations or regions of aesthetic, historic or scientific value. Summary of provisions: Parties undertake to establish national parks, national reserves, nature monuments, and strict wilderness reserves (art. II). Contracting Governments further agree to endeavour to adopt national measures for the preservation within their boundaries of flora and fauna outside the protected areas referred to in article II (art. V-1). Migratory birds are to be subject to special measures for their preservation and rational utilisation (art. VII). Finally, species listed in the Annex must be provided urgent and complete protection (art. VIII). Contracting Parties accept to co-operate amongst themselves in promoting research and field study in order to further the objectives of the Convention (art. VI). They further undertake to impose controls on trade in protected fauna and flora and any part thereof through a system of trade certificates (art. IX). Institutional mechanisms: This Convention has been signed in the framework of the Pan American Union.


This Convention aims to secure the protection of all species of flora and fauna and their habitats.In addition, it seeks to preserve scenery of great natural beauty, and other sites of geological, aesthetic, historic or scientific value. Largely relates to the establishment of protected areas of various categories for purposes including, but not limited to, provision for migratory birds.No express provision for migratory species other than birds. Prohibits taking in special areas. Provides for international collaboration in scientific activities furthering objective of Convention and publication of results thereof. Requires states to take 'appropriate measures ' for protection of migratory birds of 'economic or aesthetic value' or threatened with extinction. Permits rational utilisation of migratory birds for sport, food, commercial, industrial or scientific purposes. Special protection accorded to certain species where action is needed of special urgency or importance. No such species to be taken except for scientific or other 'essential' purposes. Controls over export, import and transit.

Texte intégral
Anglais   Espagnol  
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Vue étendue Montrer la carte
Des pays Entrée en vigueur Ratification * Signature simple
Bolivie (État plurinational de) - -
Colombie - -
Costa Rica
Cuba - -
El Salvador
République Dominicaine
Venezuela, Rép. Boliv. du
États-Unis d'Amérique

* [1] Ratification [2] Adhesion [3] Acceptation/approbation [4] Succession [5] Consentement à être lié [6] Définitive signature

D'autres références

7 documents liés à ce traité Voir la littérature
1 jurisprudence liés à ce traité Voir la jurisprudence