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Convention sur la diversité biologique

Type du document
Champ d'application
Jui 22, 1992
IUCN (ID: TRE-001148)
Titre abgrégé


Titre (Anglais)

Convention on Biological Diversity

Titre (Espagnol)

Convenio sobre la Diversidad Biológica

Titre (Autre)

Übereinkommen über die biologische Vielfalt

Lieu d'adoption
Rio de Janeiro
NU Nations Unies
Anglais, Français, Arabe, Chinois, Espagnol, Russe
Entrée en vigueur
Déc 29, 1993
Espèces sauvages et écosystèmes
Mot clé
Règlement des différends Cultures/pâtures Monitorage Recherche Politique/planification Conservation ex situ Institution Financement Biodiversité Éducation Biotechnologie Transfert de technologie EIA Espèces exotiques Accès et partage des avantages Subvention/incitation Gestion/conservation Responsabilité/indemnisation Collecte de données/déclarations Ressources génétiques Aire protégée Protection de l'habitat Utilisation durable Droits traditionnels/droits coutumiers Préservation de l'écosystème

Objectives: To conserve biological diversity, promote the sustainable use of its components, and encourage equitable sharing of the benefits arising out of the utilization of genetic resources. Such equitable sharing includes appropriate access to genetic resources, as well as appropriate transfer of technology, taking into account existing rights over such resources and such technology. Summary of provisions: (a) Definition of terms, such as "biological diversity", "biological resources", "biotechnology", "genetic resources" (art. 2); (b) Restatement of the principle of nation sovereignty over domestic natural resources, subject to respect for the rights of other States (art. 4). The Convention, however, places a duty on States Parties to conserve biological diversity within their jurisdiction, as well as outside their jurisdiction in certain cases (art. 4); (c) Requirement of cooperation between States Parties, in preserving biological diversity in areas out of national jurisdiction (art. 5); (d) Conferment of responsibility on States Parties for the formulation and implementation of strategies, plans or programmes for the conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity (art. 6). States Parties are required to monitor elements of biological diversity, determining the nature of urgency required in the protection of each category, and in sampling them, in terms of risks to which they are exposed; (e) Attribution of responsibility to States Parties, in respect of in-situ (art. 8) and ex-situ (art. 9) conservation of biological diversity (arts. 12 and 13); (f) Obligation placed on States Parties to provide for research, training, general education and the fostering of awareness, in relation to measures for identification, conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity (arts. 12 and 13); (g) Obligation placed on States Parties to provide for environmental impact assessment of projects that are likely to have significant adverse effects on biological diversity (art. 14). States Parties should exchange information and undertake consultation with other States in all cases where proposed national projects are likely to have adverse effects on biological diversity in other States; (h) Provisions concerning assess to genetic resources (art. 15); (i) Provisions on access to transfer technology, for application in the conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity (arts. 16,18 and 19); (j) Provisions on financial resources. The Convention places a duty on States Parties to provide, in accordance with their individual capabilities, financial support for the fulfilment of the objectives of conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity (arts. 20 and 21); (k) Establishment of a Conference of Parties, with a Secretariat, to keep under review the implementation of the Convention (arts. 20 and 21); (l) Provision for the settlement of disputes (art. 27); The Convention has following annexes: I. Identification and monitoring; II. Arbitration and conciliation. (Source: UNEP Register of International Treaties and Other Agreements in the Field of the Environment, 2005)

Texte intégral
Anglais   Français   Espagnol   Autre  
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Cours en ligne
Cours d'introduction à la Convention sur la diversité biologique


Vue étendue Montrer la carte
Des pays Entrée en vigueur Ratification * Signature simple
Afghanistan -
Afrique du Sud -
Albanie -
Algérie -
Allemagne -
Andorre -
Angola -
Antigua-et-Barbuda -
Arabie Saoudite -
Argentine -
Arménie -
Australie -
Autorité Palestinienne -
Autriche -
Bahamas -
Bahreïn -
Bangladesh -
Barbade -
Belgique -
Belize -
Bhoutan -
Bolivie (État plurinational de) -
Bosnie-Herzégovine -
Botswana -
Brunéi Darussalam -
Brésil -
Bulgarie -
Burkina Faso -
Burundi -
Bélarus -
Bénin -
Cabo Verde -
Cambodge -
Cameroun -
Canada -
Chili -
Chine -
Chypre -
Colombie -
Comores -
Congo -
Congo, Rép. Dém. du -
Corée, Rép. Pop. Dém. de
Corée, République de -
Costa Rica -
Croatie -
Cuba -
Côte d'Ivoire -
Danemark -
Djibouti -
Dominique -
El Salvador -
Espagne -
Estonie -
Eswatini -
Fidji -
France -
Fédération de Russie -
Gabon -
Gambie -
Ghana -
Grenade -
Grèce -
Guatemala -
Guinée -
Guinée équatoriale -
Guinée-Bissau -
Guyana -
Géorgie -
Haïti -
Honduras -
Hongrie -
Inde -
Indonésie -
Iran, Rép. Islamique d' -
Iraq -
Irlande -
Islande -
Israël -
Italie -
Jamaïque -
Jordanie -
Kazakhstan -
Kenya -
Kirghizistan -
Kiribati -
Koweït -
Lao, Rép. Dém. Populaire -
Lesotho -
Lettonie -
Liban -
Libye -
Libéria -
Liechtenstein -
Lituanie -
Luxembourg -
Macédoine du Nord -
Madagascar -
Malaisie -
Malawi -
Maldives -
Mali -
Malte -
Maroc -
Maurice -
Mauritanie -
Mexique -
Micronésie, États Féd. -
Moldova, République de -
Monaco -
Mongolie -
Monténégro -
Mozambique -
Myanmar -
Namibie -
Nauru -
Nicaragua -
Niger -
Nigéria -
Nioué (Nouvelle-Zélande) -
Norvège -
Nouvelle-Zélande -
Népal -
Oman -
Ouganda -
Ouzbékistan -
Pakistan -
Palaos -
Panama -
Papouasie-Nouvelle-Guinée -
Paraguay -
Philippines -
Pologne -
Portugal -
Pérou -
Qatar -
Roumanie -
Royaume-Uni -
Rwanda -
République Arabe Syrienne -
République Centrafricaine -
République Dominicaine -
République Tchèque -
Saint-Kitts-et-Nevis -
Saint-Marin -
Saint-Vincent-et-les Grenadines -
Sainte-Lucie -
Samoa -
Sao Tomé-et-Principe -
Serbie -
Seychelles -
Sierra Leone -
Singapour -
Slovénie -
Somalie -
Soudan -
Soudan du Sud -
Sri Lanka -
Suisse -
Suriname -
Suède -
Sénégal -
Tadjikistan -
Tanzanie, Rép.-Unie de -
Tchad -
Thaïlande -
Timor-Leste -
Tonga -
Trinité-et-Tobago -
Tunisie -
Turkménistan -
Turquie -
Tuvalu -
Ukraine -
Union européenne
Uruguay -
Vanuatu -
Venezuela, Rép. Boliv. du -
Viet Nam -
Yémen -
Zambie -
Zimbabwe -
Égypte -
Émirats Arabes Unis -
Équateur -
Érythrée -
États-Unis d'Amérique - -
Éthiopie -
Îles Cook (Nouvelle-Zélande) -
Îles Marshall -
Îles Salomon -

* [1] Ratification [2] Adhesion [3] Acceptation/approbation [4] Succession [5] Consentement à être lié [6] Définitive signature

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12 jurisprudence liés à ce traité Voir la jurisprudence