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Accord sur la conservation des oiseaux d'eau migrateurs d'Afrique - Eurasie

Type du document
Champ d'application
Jui 16, 1995
IUCN (ID: TRE-001221)
Titre abgrégé


Titre (Anglais)

Agreement on the Conservation of African-Eurasian Migratory Waterbirds

Titre (Autre)

Abkommen zur Erhaltung der afrikanisch-eurasischen wandernden Wasservögel

Lieu d'adoption
The Hague
Arabe, Anglais, Français, Russe
Entrée en vigueur
Nov 1, 1999
Mer, Espèces sauvages et écosystèmes
Mot clé
Oiseaux Espèces animales protégées Protection de l'habitat Éducation Protection des espèces Zones humides Espèces exotiques Collecte de données/déclarations Gestion/conservation Re-empoissonnement/repeuplement Biodiversité Recherche Espèces migratoires Préservation de l'écosystème Monitorage Aire protégée Politique/planification Accord international-texte Faune sauvage

Objectives: To maintain African-Eurasian migratory waterbird species in a favourable conservation status or to restore them to such a status. Summary of provisions: (a) Parties to take measures to conserve migratory waterbirds, giving special attention to endangered species as well as those with an unfavourable conservation status (art. 3); (b) Specified, in an Action Plan which is annexed, actions which Parties shall undertake in relation to priority species and issues. These deal with species conversation, habitat conservation, management of human activities, research and monitoring, education and information and implementation (art. 4.); (c) Parties to designate an implementation authority and a contact point and prepare for each Meeting of the Parties a report on its implementation of the Agreement (art. 5); (d) Provide that the Meeting of the Parties shall be the decision-making body of the Agreement (art. 6); (e) Establishes a Technical Committee to facilitate the scientific and technical activities under the Agreement (art. 7.); (f) Sets out, in an annex, the list of waterbird species to which this agreement applies. (Source: UNEP Register of International Treaties and Other Agreements in the Field of the Environment, 2005)


This agreement constitutes an AGREEMENT under the Convention of Migratory Species of Wild Animals ( Bonn Convention). It applies to all migratory waterbirds species listed in an Annex. General conservation provisions apply to these species. More detailed provisions are laid down in an Action Plan. The Action Plan forms an integral part of the Agreement and is binding upon the Parties. It may be amended by any meeting of the Parties by a two-third majority of the Parties present and voting; such amendments enter into force for all Parties 90 days after their adoption. Parties that have made a reservation in respect of an amendment are however not bound by it. The Action Plan specifies actions which Parties shall undertake in relation with priority species and issues. Priority issues include the provision of legal protection to species, habitat conservation measures, management of human activities, research and monitoring, education and information, and implementation measures. Priority species are listed in a Table appended to the Action Plan.

Texte intégral
Anglais   Français   Espagnol   Autre  
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Vue étendue Montrer la carte
Des pays Entrée en vigueur Ratification * Signature simple
Afrique du Sud -
Albanie - -
Algérie - -
Arménie - -
Belgique -
Botswana -
Burkina Faso - -
Burundi - -
Bélarus - -
Bénin -
Chypre - -
Croatie -
Côte d'Ivoire - -
Djibouti - -
Estonie - -
Eswatini -
France -
Gabon - -
Ghana - -
Grèce - -
Guinée -
Guinée équatoriale - -
Guinée-Bissau - -
Géorgie - -
Hongrie - -
Irlande -
Islande - -
Israël - -
Italie - -
Jordanie -
Kenya - -
Lettonie - -
Liban - -
Libye - -
Lituanie - -
Luxembourg -
Macédoine du Nord -
Madagascar - -
Malawi - -
Maroc -
Maurice - -
Mauritanie - -
Moldova, République de - -
Monténégro -
Nigéria - -
Norvège - -
Ouganda - -
Ouzbékistan - -
Pays-Bas -
Portugal - -
Roumanie -
Rwanda - -
République Arabe Syrienne - -
République Centrafricaine - -
République Tchèque - -
Serbie - -
Slovaquie - -
Slovénie - -
Soudan -
Suisse -
Suède -
Sénégal -
Tanzanie, Rép.-Unie de
Tchad - -
Tunisie - -
Ukraine -
Union européenne -
Zimbabwe - -
Éthiopie - -

* [1] Ratification [2] Adhesion [3] Acceptation/approbation [4] Succession [5] Consentement à être lié [6] Définitive signature

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