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Biodiversity conservation and protected areas : The Italian and Ukrainian legislation

Tamburelli G.
IUCN (ID: MON-079619)
Éditeur | Lieu de publication
Giuffrè Editore | Milan, Italy
319 p.
Type du document
Italie, Ukraine, Union européenne
Espèces sauvages et écosystèmes
Mot clé
Accord international-mise en oeuvre Participation du public Effet transfrontière Biodiversité Réserves de biosphère Parcs nationaux Développement durable Zone de montagne Aire protégée

Gianfranco Tamburelli, Notes on the Legal Framework for the Sustainable Management of Transboundary Protected Areas; Adele Bottiglieri, Damiano Luchetti, The Pan-European Biological and Landscape Diversity Strategy, the Regional Intergovernmental Process for Biodiversity in Europe; Clara Bosco, EU Funding for Environment and Biodiversity Conservation; Fabio Marcelli, The Principle of Democratic Participation: a Key to Pan-European Co-operation on Environmental Issues?; Pier Carlo Sandei, International Partnership for Sustainable Development of Mountain Regions; Juliet Fall, Designing Framework Conventions to Promote and Support Transboundary Protected Areas: Theory and Practice from the Carpathian Convention; Carlo Alberto Graziani, National Parks in Italy; Paolo Angelini, Luca Cetara, The Implementation of the Alpine Convention in Italy; Giovanni Cordini, Principles of Law and the Environment in the Case Law of the Italian Constitutional Court; GiulianoTallone, The Role of Regional Parks in the Italian Legal System: A Brief Outline; Yaroslav Movchan, Igor Ivanenko, Natalia Borysiuk, Biodiversity Conservation: Collisions, Challenges and Evolution in Conditions of Transition (Ukrainian context); Nataliya Malysheva, Implementation of the Biodiversity Convention in Ukraine; Giorgio Andrian, Olya Melen, Biosphere Reserve in Countries in Transition: the Evolution of the Concept of Biosphere Reserve in National Legislation of Ukraine; Vyacheslav I. Oleshchenko, Petro G. Shishchenko, National Policy in the Field of Bio- and Landscape Diversity Protection in Ukraine; Oleksandr Voloshkevych, Fedorenko Vasyl, The Management of the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve