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Water Supplies Act, 1942.

Type du document
1942 (2000)
Titre complet
An Act to make provision for the taking of supplies of water by sanitary authorities and to make provision for matters incidental thereto or connected.
Mot clé
Approvisionnement en eau Institution Pollution des eaux douces Législation de base Lutte contre la pollution
Aire géographique
Îles de l'Océan Atlantique, Europe, Europe et Asie Centrale, Pays de l'Union Européenne, Atlantique Nord, Atlantique du Nord-Est, Europe du Nord

This Act provides for taking and supply of water by sanitary authorities as defined by the Public Health Acts. Whenever a sanitary authority desire to take from a source of water a supply of water for the purpose of increasing, extending, or providing a supply of water under the Public Health Acts, 1878 to 1931, they may make, under and in accordance with this Act, a proposal for so taking such supply of water from such source of water (sect. 2). Section 3 specifies statements to be included in such proposals whereas section 4 sets out the procedure to be followed by sanitary authorities upon making of proposal. Objections to proposals may be made pursuant to section 6. When a proposal made by a sanitary authority has come into force, it shall be lawful for such sanitary authority: (a) to take in accordance with such proposal a supply of water from the source of water to which such proposal relates, and (b) to use such supply for the purpose of increasing, extending, or providing under the Public Health Acts, 1878 to 1931, a supply of water, and (c) where particulars of any ancillary operations are stated in such proposal, to execute, on any land acquired by such sanitary authority either before or after such proposal comes into force or on any other land with the consent of the owner any works which are necessary for the purpose of such ancillary operations (sect. 13). Section 20 concerns prevention of interference with flow of water and pollution. (26 sections completed by a Schedule)

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Références - Législation

Implementé par

Water Supplies (Application For Provisional Order) Regulations, 2000 (S.I. No. 456 Of 2000).

Législation | Irlande | 2000

Mot clé: Approvisionnement en eau


Amendé par

Water Services Act 2007 (No. 30 of 2007).

Législation | Irlande | 2007 (2018)

Mot clé: Législation de base, Approvisionnement en eau, Institution, Pollution des eaux douces, Politique/planification, Entité non-gouvernementale, Partenariats public-privé (PPP), Lutte contre la pollution


Abrogé par

Water Environment (Abstractions and Associated Impoundments) Act 2022 (No. 48 of 2022).

Législation | Irlande | 2022

Mot clé: Législation de base, Gestion des resources en eau douce, Prélèvement d'eau, Droits d'utilisation de l'eau, Enregistrement, Eaux souterraines, EIA, Développement durable, Insuffisance d'eau/sécheresse, Mise en application, Institution