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The Kericho County Environment Management Act, no. 2 of 2021.

Sous-division territoriale
Type du document
Source d'origine
Kenya Gazette Supplement no. 2 (Kericho County Acts no. 2) of 2021.
Titre complet
An Act of the County Assembly of Kericho to provide for the management of the environment, including control of air pollution, noise pollution, waste management, and general nuisances, in order to promote a clean, safe and healthy environment and to provide for matters incidental thereto.
Air et atmosphère, Environnement gén., Forêts, Eau, Espèces sauvages et écosystèmes, Déchets et substances dangereuses
Mot clé
Qualité de l'air/pollution de l'air Inspection Lutte contre la pollution Protection de l’environnement Planification environnementale Normes environnementales Pollution sonore (de l'environnement) Droit à un environnement propre/sain Santé publique Éco-audit EIA Principe pollueur-payeur Droits/redevances relatives à l'environnement Risques Boisement/reboisement Parcs nationaux Gestion des déchets Déchets ménagers Déchets non-ménagers Déchets solides Déchets dangereux Infractions/sanctions Participation du public Recyclage/réemploi Transport/dépôt Élimination de déchets Zonage Zones humides Eaux superficielles Bassin/captage/bassin versant Érosion Aire protégée Espèces exotiques Biodiversité Animal dangereux/animal nocif
Aire géographique
Afrique, Afrique Orientale
Entry into force notes
20 January 2021.

This Act, divided into eleven Parts and consisting of 79 articles, provides for creating an institutional framework focused on: efficient waste management system within the county; prevention, control and abatement of air and noise pollution, in order to ensure the population a clean and healthy environment; reduction of health risks associated with a polluted environment. The Act defines the following relevant terms: biomedical and clinical waste; domestic waste; environmental impact assessment; environment audit report; industrial waste; inter-generational equity; noise pollution; polluter-pays principle; wetland. Part II of the Act concerns administrative provisions, including: functions of the Directorate and of the Committees; entitlement of the right to live in a clean and healthy environment and related court redress. Part III concerns: the establishment of an integrated County solid waste management Plan and Strategy, for household, industrial, commercial, healthcare, electronic and hazardous waste; the duty to manage waste, and to promote recovery of waste materials through reduction, re-use, recycling and composting of waste; description of different categories of waste; prohibition against dangerous handling and disposal of waste; environmental charges for waste management; licence to transport waste; public involvement in waste management; zoning of the County, in order to enhance the management, collection and transportation of waste; offences.

Texte intégral
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