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Regulations for the management of the Agulhas Muds Marine Protected Area, Government Notice no. 796 of 2019.

Type du document
Source d'origine
Government Gazette of the Republic of South Africa no. 42479 of 2019.
Pêche, Mer
Mot clé
Animaux aquatiques Plantes aquatiques Certification Crustacés Zone de pêche Autorisation de pêche Navire de pêche Mollusques Zone de pêche protégée Engins de pêche/méthodes de pêche Gestion et conservation des pêches Autorisation/permis Zones marines protégées Aire protégée Infractions/sanctions Zonage Recherche Élimination de déchets
Aire géographique
Afrique, Atlantique Sud, Afrique Méridionale

These Regulations, made in terms of sections 48A (2) and 86 (1) (a), (b), (c) and (d) of the National Environmental Management: Protected Areas Act, 2003 (Act No. 57 of 2003), provide for zoning the entire Agulhas Muds Marine Protected Area as a single sanctuary zone. The Regulations concern: fish, as any aquatic plant or animal whether piscine or not, and any mollusc, crustacean, coral, sponge, holothurian or other echinoderm, reptile and includes their eggs, larvae and all juvenile stages, except for sea birds and marine mammals; fishing activity; hovercraft and other vessels; sanctuary area, as a marine protected area where no fishing or any other activity contemplated in terms of section 48 A (1) of the Act may take place, except for scientific research purposes. The Regulations cover the following matters: scientific research permit; general restrictions within the Marine Protected Area, including dumping of any waste and leaving fishing gear, hooks, bait packaging and fishing line; limitation on the use and anchorage of vessels; control of activities in the Agulhas Muds Marine Protected Area; suspension, amendment and cancellation of permits; offences and penalties.

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Références - Législation


National Environmental Management Protected Areas Act, 2003.

Législation | Sudáfrica | 2004 (2009)

Mot clé: Législation de base, Patrimoine culturel, Mesures de protection des forêts, Aire protégée, Gestion forestière/conservation des forêts, Parcs nationaux, Expropriation, Terres privées, Terres publiques, Exploitation minière, Bassin/captage/bassin versant, Utilisation durable, Eaux continentales, Institution, Gestion/conservation, Aire marine, Biodiversité, Préservation de l'écosystème, Enregistrement, Zones marines protégées, Gouvernance, Gestion communautaire