Regulation on the transboundary shipments of radioactive waste and spent fuel. Pays/Territoire Slovénie Type du document Règlement Date 2009 Source FAO, FAOLEX Source d'origine Official Gazette No. 22/2009 Sujet Déchets et substances dangereuses Mot clé Mouvement transfrontière des déchets Autorisation/permis Transport/dépôt Déchets dangereux Gestion des déchets Aire géographique Alpes, Europe, Europe et Asie Centrale, Pays de l'Union Européenne, Méditerranée, Europe du Sud Entry into force notes This Regulation entered into force on 24 March 2009. Résumé This Regulation of the Minister of the Environment and Spatial Planning, which is composed of 25 articles and one Annex, lays down: (1) method of the notification of shipments of radioactive waste and spent fuel; (2) the way to notify the competent authorities of other member states of the European Union; (3) management of multiple and transboundary shipments; (4) handling the items returned from processing; (5) method and deadlines of completed shipments; (6) conditions of nuclear and radiation safety; (7) other conditions of shipments from the member states, import, export and transit of radioactive waste and spent fuel. This Regulation is divided into the following Sections: General provisions (Sec. 1); Shipments within the Community (Sec. 2); Shipments outside the Community (Sec. 3); Reporting (Sec. 4); Transitional and final provisions (Sec. 5). Texte intégral Slovène Site web Références - Législation Implemente Act on Protection against Ionizing Radiation and Nuclear Safety. Législation | Slovénie | 2002 (2004) Mot clé: Radiation, Énergie nucléaire, Autorisation/permis, Institution, Infractions/sanctions, Déchets dangereux, Lutte contre la pollution, Élimination de déchets, Inspection, Monitorage Source: FAO, FAOLEX