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Regulation No. 19 of 2020 of Minister of the Environment on list of surface water bodies, procedure for designation of surface water bodies and territorial sea status classes, values of quality indicators for ecological status classes of surface water bodies and values of quality indicators for water bodies not included in a surface water body

Type du document
Mer, Eau
Mot clé
Gestion des zones côtières Mer territoriale Classement/déclassement Pollution des eaux douces Eaux souterraines Lutte contre la pollution Eaux superficielles Normes de qualité de l'eau
Aire géographique
Europe, Europe et Asie Centrale, Pays de l'Union Européenne, Europe du Nord

This Regulation, based on the provisions of paragraph 54 subsection 7 and paragraph 61 subsections 2 and 4 of the Water Act, establishes a list of watercourses, stagnant watercourses and surface water bodies differentiated in coastal waters; the values of the quality indicators of the ecological status class or ecological potential status class of differentiated surface water bodies; the procedure for determining the ecological and chemical status class of surface water bodies and the chemical status class of the territorial sea; and the values of water quality indicators necessary for the protection of the biota of water bodies not included in the surface water body and a description of good status. This Regulation applies to surface water, except for transitional water. The procedure for determining the status classes provided for in this Regulation applies to the territorial sea only for the assessment of the chemical status of the territorial sea pursuant to subsection 61 (1) of the Water Act. The purpose of this Regulation is to identify surface water bodies in order to achieve the objective of surface water protection provided for in § 33 of the Water Act and to specify the designation of surface water bodies, including artificial water bodies, heavily modified water bodies and territorial sea status classes sustainable water use and ensure the long-term protection of water resources. The Regulation consists of three chapters: General provisions (1); Types of water bodies and water bodies, list of surface water bodies, status classes of surface water bodies, territorial sea, heavily modified water bodies and artificial water bodies, and procedure for determining the status class (2); and Quality elements, quality indicators, status classification and protection of non-surface water bodies used to determine ecological status or ecological potential (3).

Texte intégral
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Références - Législation


Water Act (2019)

Législation | Estonie | 2019 (2023)

Mot clé: Eau potable, Commerce intérieur, Aire marine, ZEE-Zone Economique Exclusive, Recherche, Autorisation/permis, Zone marine, Loi-cadre, Pollution des eaux douces, Gestion des resources en eau douce, Lutte contre la pollution, Normes de qualité de l'eau, Utilisation durable, Prélèvement d'eau, Approvisionnement en eau, Mise en application, Eaux thermales et médicinales, Égouts, Eaux usées/déversement, Inondation, Évaluation/gestion des risques, Eaux souterraines, Gestion des zones côtières, Substances dangereuses, Relations internationales/coopération, Fonds spécial, Responsabilité/indemnisation, Risques, Système d'alerte précoce, Planification environnementale, Normes environnementales, Eaux continentales, Monitorage, Santé publique, Eau à usage récréatif, Eaux superficielles, Développement durable, Politique/planification, Normes, Protection de l’environnement