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Presidential Decree No. 205 concerning the authorisation and the placing on the market for use of biocidal products, in compliance with Directive 98/8/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council.

Type du document
Source d'origine
Efimeris tis Kyverniseos No. 160, Part I, 16 July 2001, pp. 2429- 2464.
Plantes cultivées
Mot clé
Protection des végétaux Pesticides Commerce intérieur Emballage/étiquetage Autorisation/permis
Aire géographique
Europe, Europe et Asie Centrale, Pays de l'Union Européenne, Méditerranée, Europe du Sud
Entry into force notes
The Decree shall enter into force on the date of publication in the Official Gazette unless otherwise indicated in individual sections.

The present Decree aims at implementing EU Directive 98/8/EC concerning the authorisation and the placing on the market for use of biocidal products. Its provisions shall apply to biocidal products as defined in article 2(1)(a) but shall exclude products that are defined through previously issued instruments within the national legislative framework. Article 1 contains a list of such instruments. According to the provisions of article 3, biocidal products shall not be placed on the market and used in the national territory unless it has been authorised in accordance with the provisions of the present Decree. The Decree consists of 31 articles as follows: art.1, Scope and filed of application; art.2, Definitions; art.3, Authorisation for placing on the market of biocidal products; art.4, Mutual recognition of authorisations; art.5, Conditions for issue of an authorisation; art.6, Review of an authorisation; art.7, Cancellation or modification of an authorisation; art.8, Requirements for authorisation; art.9, Placing on the market of active substances; art.10, Inclusion of an active substance in Annexes I, IA or IB; art.11, Procedure for inclusion of an active substance in Annex I, IA or IB; art.12, Use of data held by competent authorities for other applicants; art.13, Cooperation in the use of data for second and subsequent applications for authorisation; art.14, New information; art.15, Derogation from the requirements; art.16, Transitional measures; art.17, Research and development; art.18, Information exchange; art.19, Confidentiality; art.20, Classification, packaging and labelling of biocidal products; art.21, Safety-data sheets; art.22, Advertising; art.23, Poison control; art.24, Compliance with requirements; art.25, Charges; art.26, Competent authorities; art.27, Safeguard clause; art.28, Sanctions; art.29, Civil and criminal liability; art.30, Annexes; art.31, Entry into force.

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Références - Législation


Directive 98/8/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council concerning the placing of biocidal products on the market.

Législation | Union européenne | 1998

Mot clé: Désinfection, Emballage/étiquetage, Commerce intérieur, Autorisation/permis, Santé des animaux


Amendé par

Presidential Decree No. 159/2008 amending Presidential Decree No. 205/2001 concerning the authorisation and the placing on the market for use of biocidal products, in compliance with Commission Directives 2006/50/EC, 2006/140/ΕC and 2007/20/ΕC.

Législation | Grèce | 2008

Mot clé: Protection des végétaux, Pesticides, Commerce intérieur, Emballage/étiquetage, Autorisation/permis


Presidential Decree No. 90/2010 amending Presidential Decree No. 205/2001 concerning the authorisation and the placing on the market for use of biocidal products, in compliance with a number of EU Directives.

Législation | Grèce | 2010

Mot clé: Protection des végétaux, Pesticides, Commerce intérieur, Autorisation/permis


Presidential Decree No. 52/2009 amending Presidential Decree No. 205/2001 concerning the authorisation and the placing on the market for use of biocidal products, in compliance with a number of EU Directives.

Législation | Grèce | 2009

Mot clé: Protection des végétaux, Pesticides, Commerce intérieur, Autorisation/permis


Presidential Decree No. 34/2012 amending Presidential Decree No. 205/2001 concerning the authorisation and the placing on the market for use of biocidal products, in compliance with a number of EU Directives.

Législation | Grèce | 2012

Mot clé: Protection des végétaux, Pesticides, Commerce intérieur, Autorisation/permis


Presidential Decree No. 31/2011 amending Presidential Decree No. 205/2001 concerning the authorisation and the placing on the market for use of biocidal products, in compliance with a number of EU Directives.

Législation | Grèce | 2011

Mot clé: Protection des végétaux, Pesticides, Commerce intérieur, Autorisation/permis