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Packaging Act.

Type du document
2017 (2021)
Titre complet
Act on the placing on the market, taking back and the high-quality use of packaging.
Déchets et substances dangereuses
Mot clé
Lutte contre la pollution Élimination de déchets Gestion des déchets Recyclage/réemploi Déchets ménagers Déchets non-ménagers Emballage/étiquetage Commerce intérieur Mise en application Infractions/sanctions Utilisation durable
Aire géographique
Alpes, Europe, Europe et Asie Centrale, Pays de l'Union Européenne, Mer du Nord, Atlantique du Nord-Est, Europe du Ouest
Entry into force notes
This Act comes into force on 1 January 2019.

The present Act lays down provisions relating to the placing on the market, taking back and the high-quality use of packaging. In particular, the Act implements article 23 of the Waste Avoidance, Recovery and Disposal Act of 24 February 2012 which concerns packaging. The present Act provides for the avoidance or reduction of packaging waste and it should be re-used for high-quality products. The text consists of 38 articles divided into 8 Parts as follows: General provisions (1); Placing on the market of packaging subject to system participation (2); Collection, return and recycling (3); Systems (4); Central office (5); Beverage packaging (6); Reduction of the consumption of certain disposable packaging (7); Final provisions (8). The Act consists of 5 Appendixes as: Packaging criteria and examples (1); Filling goods containing pollutants (2); Requirements relating to plastic boxes and pallets (3); Requirements relating to glass packaging (4); Labelling of packaging.

Texte intégral
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Références - Législation


Law to promote the circular economy and ensure environmentally friendly waste management (Circular Economy Act - KrWG).

Législation | Allemagne | 2012 (2023)

Mot clé: Législation de base, Lutte contre la pollution, Élimination de déchets, Déchets ménagers, Gestion des déchets, Déchets non-ménagers, Prévention des déchets, Recyclage/réemploi, Responsabilité/indemnisation, Accès-à-l'information, Politique/planification, Inspection, Utilisation durable, Éco-produits/processus écologique, Pollution des eaux douces



Packaging Waste Ordinance.

Législation | Allemagne | 1998 (2017)

Mot clé: Lutte contre la pollution, Élimination de déchets, Gestion des déchets, Recyclage/réemploi, Déchets ménagers, Déchets non-ménagers, Emballage/étiquetage, Commerce intérieur, Mise en application, Infractions/sanctions