Order No. 1171 on the reporting of information concerning dangerous goods by vessel-reporting system BELTREP. Pays/Territoire Danemark Type du document Règlement Date 2013 Source FAO, FAOLEX Sujet Mer Mot clé Collecte de données/déclarations ZEE-Zone Economique Exclusive Navigation Mer territoriale Zone marine Aire géographique Europe, Europe et Asie Centrale, Pays de l'Union Européenne, Mer du Nord, Atlantique du Nord-Est, Europe du Nord Entry into force notes 11 October 2013. Résumé The Order sets rules with regard to the reporting of dangerous goods for vessel-reporting system BELTREP. When entering BELTREP area, and upon arrival at or departure from a port or anchorage in the BELTREP area, the vessel-reporting system BELTREP shall be used in accordance with resolution MSC. 332 (90) adopted on 22 May 2012 by the International Maritime Organization (IMO). The operative area where BELTREP is applied (the BELTREP area) includes the central and northern part of Storebælt and waters around Hatter Barn in Samsø Bælt (see Appendix 1). Vessels passing through BELTREP area are subject to report via the BELTREP system if they are of a min. gross tonnage of 50 tons, and that they measure min. 15 meters in height above the water surface. The Order includes reporting with systems such as: Great Belt Vessel Traffic Service; the international IGC, IMDG, IBC and IMBSC codes. Texte intégral Danois Site web www.retsinformation.dk Références - Législation Implemente Directive 2002/59/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing a Community vessel traffic monitoring and information system and repealing Council Directive 93/75/EEC. Législation | Union européenne | 2002 Mot clé: Pollution de la mer, Lutte contre la pollution, Risques, Substances dangereuses, Accès-à-l'information, Collecte de données/déclarations, Inspection Source: FAO, FAOLEX Marine Protection Act (LBK No. 1032 of 2023). Législation | Danemark | 1993 (2023) Mot clé: Pollution de la mer, Lutte contre la pollution, Législation de base, Aire protégée, Pollution par les hydrocarbures, ZEE-Zone Economique Exclusive, Zone marine, Aire marine Source: FAO, FAOLEX