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Offshore Exploration for and Exploitation of Natural Resources including Petroleum (Marine Environment Protection) Regulation No. 1 of 2011.

Sri Lanka
Type du document
Source d'origine
The Gazette of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka (Extraordinary) No. 1709/15, 7 June 2011, pp. 1A-34A.
Ressources minérales, Mer, Environnement gén.
Mot clé
Pollution de la mer Hydrocarbures Lutte contre la pollution Exploration Autorisation/permis EIA Pollution par les hydrocarbures
Aire géographique
Asie, Asie et Pacifique, Océan Indien, Mer de l'Asie du Sud-Est, Asie du Sud
Entry into force notes
These Regulations enter into force on 26 May 2011.

These Regulations, consisting of fourty-eight sections and nine Schedules, specify the requirements for the Granting a Marine Environment Protection License. They apply to any person engaged in offshore exploration for and exploitation of natural resources including petroleum in the exploration block. Any person who makes an application to the Petroleum Resources Development Committee established under section 5 of Petroleum Resources Act, No. 26 of 2003, shall submit to the Marine Environment Protection Authority prior to the commencement of any petroleum activity, a detailed account of the steps to be taken by him to mitigate, control or manage the discharge of any pollutant in accordance with the Discharge Management Plan and an Environment Impact Assessment (EIA). EIA shall be carried out by a classification society approved by the Authority. The Discharge Management Plan shall conform to the requirements specified in Schedule I and shall consist of a plan for marine environment protection including: for environmental monitoring, for prevention of an oil spill, for storage, transportation, cleaning, refining and locating oil extracts and the procedure for rehabilitation of the area after completion of the exploration for exploitation of natural resources including petroleum and a completed chemical data sheet acceptable to the Authority which shall be in the form set out in Schedule II.

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Références - Législation


Petroleum Resources Act (No. 26 of 2003).

Législation | Sri Lanka | 2003

Mot clé: Hydrocarbures, Recherche, Exploration, Institution, Commerce intérieur, Transport/dépôt, Infractions/sanctions, Exploitation minière, Autorisation/permis


Marine Pollution Prevention Act 1981 (No. 59 of 1981).

Législation | Sri Lanka | 1981

Mot clé: Pollution de la mer, Lutte contre la pollution, Eaux usées/déversement, Érosion, Navigation, Pollution par les hydrocarbures, Responsabilité/indemnisation, Inspection, Accès-à-l'information, Infractions/sanctions