National Disaster Management Guidelines: Management of Floods, 2008. Pays/Territoire Inde Type du document Miscellaneous Date 2008 Source FAO, FAOLEX Sujet Eau Mot clé Bassin/captage/bassin versant Renforcement des capacités Certification Gestion des zones côtières Gestion communautaire Collecte de données/déclarations Risques Drainage/assèchement Éducation Mise en application Équipement Érosion Inondation Gouvernance Eaux souterraines Inspection Gestion intégrée Irrigation Monitorage Politique/planification Santé publique Participation du public Eau de pluie Recherche Invasion d'eau salée/ensablement Élimination de déchets Gestion des resources en eau douce Ouvrages Forage de puits/puits Zones humides Système d'alerte précoce Eaux continentales Aire géographique Asie, Asie et Pacifique, Océan Indien, Mer de l'Asie du Sud-Est, Asie du Sud Résumé These Guidelines are prepared by the National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA), the apex body for Disaster Management in India, to assist the ministries and departments of the Government of India, the state governments and other agencies in preparing Flood Management plans. The Guidelines highlight the role of various institutions in disaster management and the respective financial arrangement. It discusses the action plan for structural measures for flood management, the inspection and maintenance thereof. It also lays down plan for non-structural measures including flood forecasting and warning, Integrated water resources management, and medical preparedness. The Guidelines lay down detailed strategy and action plan for flood forecasting and warning; dams, reservoirs and other water storage; regulation and enforcement; capacity building; research and development; strengthening flood response; and implementation through flood management plans. Texte intégral Anglais Site web