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Ministerial Joint Decree No. 39626/2208/Ε130 laying down measures for the protection of groundwater against pollution and deterioration, in compliance with EU Directive 2006/118/EC.

Type du document
Source d'origine
Efimeris tis Kyverniseos No. 2075, Part II, 25 September 2009, pp. 25773- 25780.
Mot clé
Lutte contre la pollution Pollution des eaux douces Eaux souterraines Normes de qualité de l'eau Eaux usées/déversement
Aire géographique
Europe, Europe et Asie Centrale, Pays de l'Union Européenne, Méditerranée, Europe du Sud
Entry into force notes
The Decree shall enter into force as from the day of its publication on the Official Gazette, unless otherwise provided for in its individual sections.

The Decree aims to prevent the deterioration of the status of all bodies of groundwater. With this purpose it aims at implementing the provisions of articles 9 and 10 of Law No. 1650/1986 as well as the provisions contained in article 4, 12, and 14 of Presidential Decree No. 51/2007, in compliance with EU Directive 2006/118/EC, in order to prevent and control groundwater pollution. The Decree establishes specific measures, in particular: (a) criteria for the assessment of good groundwater chemical status; and (b) criteria for the identification and reversal of significant and sustained upward trends and for the definition of starting points for trend reversals. This Decree also complements the provisions preventing or limiting inputs of pollutants into groundwater already contained in Law No. 3199/2003 and Presidential Decree No. 51/2007 which have been issued to align the Greek legislative framework with EU Directive 2000/60/EC. The decree is composed of eight articles as follows: art.1, Purpose; art. 2, Definitions; art. 3, Criteria for assessing groundwater chemical status; art. 4, Procedure for assessing groundwater chemical status; art. 5, Identification of significant and sustained upward trends and the definition of starting points for trend reversals; art. 6, Measures to prevent or limit inputs of pollutants into groundwater; art. 7, Transitional arrangements; art. 8, Annexes.

Texte intégral
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Références - Législation


Directive 2006/118/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on the protection of groundwater against pollution and deterioration.

Législation | Union européenne | 2006 (2014)

Mot clé: Législation de base, Lutte contre la pollution, Pollution des eaux douces, Eaux souterraines, Normes de qualité de l'eau, Eaux usées/déversement, Collecte de données/déclarations


Implementé par

Ministerial Decree No. 1811 establishing threshold values of certain pollutants into groundwater, in implementation of paragraph 2, article 3 of Ministerial Joint Decree No. 39626/2208/Ε130/2009.

Législation | Grèce | 2011

Mot clé: Lutte contre la pollution, Pollution des eaux douces, Eaux souterraines, Normes de qualité de l'eau, Eaux usées/déversement