Ministerial Joint Decree No. 261463 on the notification of animal diseases within the Community, in compliance with Council Directive 82/894/EEC. Pays/Territoire Grèce Type du document Règlement Date 2009 Source FAO, FAOLEX Source d'origine Efimeris tis Kyverniseos No. 2006, Part II, 17 September 2009, pp. 24765-24767. Sujet Bétail Mot clé Santé des animaux Parasites/maladies Collecte de données/déclarations Aire géographique Europe, Europe et Asie Centrale, Pays de l'Union Européenne, Méditerranée, Europe du Sud Entry into force notes The Decree shall enter into force as from the day of its publication on the Official Gazette. Résumé The present Decree lay down rules for the notification of animal diseases within the Community, in compliance with Council Directive 82/894/EEC. The notification refers to outbreaks of any of the diseases listed in Annex I and the removal of restrictions in relation to the outbreak after its eradication. The competent national authorities, at regional and national level, shall notify directly both the Commission and the other Member States within 24 hours the outbreak of any of the diseases listed in Annex I which is confirmed in the national territory. Texte intégral Grec Site web Références - Législation Implemente Council Directive 82/894/EEC on the notification of animal diseases within the Community. Législation | Union européenne | 1982 Mot clé: Santé des animaux, Parasites/maladies Source: FAO, FAOLEX