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Ministerial Decision No. 6719/146097 adopting a Management Plan for fishing methods used for mackerel (Spicara smaris) and bogue (Boops boops) in specific areas of Greek territory.

Type du document
Source d'origine
Government Gazette No. 4348 / Β / 30-12-2016.
Mot clé
Pêche maritime Gestion et conservation des pêches Autorisation de pêche Engins de pêche/méthodes de pêche Navire de pêche Poissons marins Maillage Allocation/quota Autorisation/permis
Aire géographique
Europe, Europe et Asie Centrale, Pays de l'Union Européenne, Méditerranée, Europe du Sud
Entry into force notes
This Decision shall enter into force on the day of its publication in the Government Gazette.

This Decision establishes the Management Plan for fishing methods used for mackerel (Spicara smaris) and bogue (Boops boops) in specific areas of Greek territory, in accordance with Article 19 of Council Regulation (EC) No. 1967/2006 concerning management measures for the sustainable exploitation of fishery resources in the Mediterranean. The Management Plan shall be applicable for 3 years from the date of entry into force, shall include multi-annual objectives and be evaluated on an annual basis. The Management Plan contains stock conservation measures above the levels of ensuring Maximum Sustainable Yield (FMSY). The Management Plan has taken into account the socio-economic parameters to maintain the potentiality of Small Offshore Fisheries in Greece. The plan shall be monitored and inventories will be assessed annually on the basis of a fisheries monitoring programme for the target species Spicara smaris, maridae, and boops boops, as well as species of Mullus barbatus (Mutus), Mullus surmuletus (marmalade) and Sardina pilchardus (sardine), in the Aegean (GSA 22), Cretan (GSA 23) and Ionian Sea (GSA 20), covering the whole of Greek maritime territory.

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Références - Législation


Council Regulation (EC) No. 1967/2006 concerning management measures for the sustainable exploitation of fishery resources in the Mediterranean Sea, amending Regulation (EEC) No. 2847/93 and repealing Regulation (EC) No. 1626/94.

Législation | Union européenne | 2006 (2019)

Mot clé: Pêche maritime, Gestion et conservation des pêches, Zone de pêche, Zone de pêche protégée, Engins de pêche/méthodes de pêche, Taille, Maillage, Pêche non-commerciale, Animaux aquatiques, Mammifères marins, Produits de la pêche, Poissons cartilagineux, Protection des espèces


Amendé par

Joint Ministerial Decision 4065/330700 amending Ministerial Decision No. 6719/146097 on the Management Plan for fishing methods used for mackerel (Spicara smaris) and bogue (Boops boops) in specific areas of Greek territory.

Législation | Grèce | 2019

Mot clé: Pêche maritime, Gestion et conservation des pêches, Procédures judiciaires/procédures administratives, Engins de pêche/méthodes de pêche, Poissons marins