Memorandum Circular No. 2010-13 adopting the Manual on Land Survey Procedures. Pays/Territoire Philippines Type du document Miscellaneous Date 2010 Source FAO, FAOLEX Sujet Terre et sols Mot clé Procédures judiciaires/procédures administratives Institution Monitorage Accès-à-l'information Gouvernance Recherche Cadastre/enregistrement des terres Planification territoriale Relevés/plans Aire géographique Asie, Asie et Pacifique, East Asian Seas, Pacifique Nord, Asie du Sud-Est Entry into force notes This Memorandum Circular shall take effect immediately. Résumé This Circular adopts the Manual on Land Survey Procedures. This Manual consisting of 13 Chapters divided into five Parts and completed by XXVI Annexes, establishises this Manual as a useful reference for Geodetic Engineers and Contractors, Land Management Bureau (LMB), Land Management Services (LMS) in the different DENR Regional Offices, the Local Government Units (LGUs) and other stakeholders as it embodies the updated guidelines on the execution of all types of land surveys taking into consideration the technological advances in recent times. Pursuant to DENR Administrative Order No. 2007-29 dated July 31, 2007, known as the Revised Regulations on Land Surveys, these Land Survey Procedures are issued for the guidance and compliance of all concerned. The Manual is divided as follows: Pre-Survey Activities and Field Operation (on Control Surveys - I); Survey Returns (on Control Surveys Returns - II); Inspection, Verification, and Approval of Survey Returns (III); Miscellaneous (on Surveying Instruments, Forms and Symbols – IV). Annexes specify all related issues. Texte intégral Anglais Site web Références - Législation Amendé par Memorandum Circular No. 1 of 2016 amending Section 180.D of the DENR Manual on Land Survey Procedures. Législation | Philippines | 2016 Mot clé: Procédures judiciaires/procédures administratives, Accès-à-l'information, Cadastre/enregistrement des terres, Planification territoriale, Relevés/plans Source: FAO, FAOLEX