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Guidelines for Partecipatory Village Land Use Planning, Administration and Management in Tanzania.

République-Unie de Tanzanie
Type du document
Terre et sols
Mot clé
Terrains agricoles Collecte de données/déclarations Subdivision foncière Régime foncier Planification territoriale Monitorage Propriété Politique/planification Terres privées Protection de l’environnement Relevés/plans Utilisation durable
Aire géographique
Afrique, Afrique Orientale, Pays les moins avances

These Guidelines for Participatory Village Land Use Planning, Administration and Management are an indicative document for natural resource management and sustainable rural development which revises the 1998 Participatory Land Use Planning and Management (PLUM) Guidelines to effect implementation provisions of the subsequent legislation concerning rural land use planning, administration, and management. The document is divided into two parts: Part A introduces the concept and principles of participatory village land use planning, administration, and management, and Part B describes the steps and activities involved in applying PLUM at the village level. It emphasizes the importance of participation in the process of PLUM, a crucial aspect as it ensures that the process is inclusive, transparent, accountable, democratic, and responsive to the needs and aspirations of the villagers. It also empowers them to take ownership of their land resources and to manage them sustainably for their benefit and future generations. The document is based on the National Land Policy, the Land Act, the Village Land Act, the Environmental Management Act, and the Land Use Planning Act, which promote participatory and integrated approaches to land and natural resource management. The Guidelines aim to (i) provide a practical tool for rural development facilitators, such as district PLUM teams, village councils, village land use management committees (VLUMC), NGOs, CBOs, and private sector, to involve villagers and other stakeholders in planning and implementing land use plans that reflect their interests and capacities, and that is technically sound and environmentally sustainable; (ii) outline the following six steps for PLUM (1) preparation, (2) participatory rural appraisal for land use management, (3) mapping existing village land uses, (4) participatory village land use planning, (5) implementation of village land administration, and (6) village land use management (each step has specific objectives, activities, inputs, outputs, and monitoring and evaluation mechanisms); (iii) provide examples of tools and techniques for data collection, analysis, mapping, planning, implementation, and monitoring of PLUM, such as transect walks and resource mapping, GPS devices for mapping and boundary demarcation, GIS software for creating digital maps, satellite images for updated data, ortho-photos for tracing boundaries, cadastral surveys for measuring land parcels, village land use plan documents, and management by-laws for implementation and protection of land resources.

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