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Environmental Impact Assessment and Environmental Management System Act (2005).

Type du document
2005 (2023)
Source d'origine
RT I 2005, 15, 87
Énergie, Environnement gén., Eau
Mot clé
Hydrocarbures Gaz naturel Énergie nucléaire Législation de base EIA Effet transfrontière Autorisation/permis Éco-audit Éco-produits/processus écologique Normes environnementales Patrimoine culturel Production écologique/production biologique Questions de procédures Emballage/étiquetage Infractions/sanctions Substances dangereuses Normes Protection de l’environnement Port Eaux continentales Ouvrages Égouts Gestion des resources en eau douce
Aire géographique
Europe, Europe et Asie Centrale, Pays de l'Union Européenne, Europe du Nord

This Act, consisting of five chapters and seventy-one sections, establishes the legal basis and procedure for the assessment of the expected environmental impact, the organisation of the environmental management and environmental auditing system, and the awarding of the eco-label with the aim of preventing damages to the environment. Chapters 1 of the Act provides for: definition of the scope of the Act; general settings; environmental impact and significant environmental impact; authorities and institutions affected by an environmental impact. Chapter 2 concerns the environmental impact assessment procedure, and specifically provides for: mandatory environmental impact assessment; purpose of environmental impact assessment; environmental impact assessment procedure and requirements; activities with a significant environmental impact, including: oil processing plant, construction of natural gas and nuclear power plants, management of wind power plant in a water body, handling of high-level radioactive waste, production of hazardous substances on an industrial scale using a chemical process, construction of a harbour or a waterway in an inland body of water, construction of a sewage water treatment plant, other activities involving water resources management; activity permit; procedural matters related to environmental impact assessment; special features of cross-border environmental impact assessment; strategic assessment of the environmental impact associated with the implementation of the strategic planning document.

Texte intégral
Site web

Références - Législation


Directive 2011/92/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council on the assessment of the effects of certain public and private projects on the environment.

Législation | Union européenne | 2011 (2014)

Mot clé: EIA, Procédures judiciaires/procédures administratives, Patrimoine culturel


Regulation (EC) No. 66/2010 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the EU Ecolabel.

Législation | Union européenne | 2009

Mot clé: Droits/redevances relatives à l'environnement, Éco-produits/processus écologique, Normes environnementales, Institution, Normes, Protection de l’environnement


Directive 2001/42/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on the assessment of the effects of certain plans and programmes on the environment.

Législation | Union européenne | 2001

Mot clé: EIA, Développement durable, Utilisation durable, Patrimoine culturel


Regulation (EC) No. 1980/2000 of the European Parliament and of the Council on a revised Community eco-label award scheme

Législation | Union européenne | 2000

Mot clé: Lutte contre la pollution, Planification environnementale, Droits/redevances relatives à l'environnement, Institution, Éco-produits/processus écologique, Politique/planification


Directive 2003/35/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council providing for public participation in respect of the drawing up of certain plans and programmes relating to the environment and amending with regard to public participation and access to justice Council Directives 85/337/EEC and 96/61/EC.

Législation | Union européenne | 2003

Mot clé: Planification environnementale, Accès-à-l'information, Procédures judiciaires/procédures administratives, Accès-à-la-justice, Gouvernance, Participation du public, Politique/planification


Council Directive 92/43/EEC on the conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora

Législation | Union européenne | 1992 (2013)

Mot clé: Préservation de l'écosystème, Aire protégée, Biodiversité, Protection de l'habitat, Faune sauvage, Flore sauvage, Gestion/conservation, Espèces menacées, Chasse/capture, Équipement de chasse/méthodes de chasse, Collecte de données/déclarations, Protection des espèces


Council Directive 97/11/EC amending Directive 85/337/EEC on the assessment of the effects of certain public and private projects on the environment.

Législation | Union européenne | 1997

Mot clé: EIA, Autorisation/permis, Planification territoriale, Procédures judiciaires/procédures administratives


Council Directive 85/337/EEC on the assessment of the effects of certain public and private projects on the environment.

Législation | Union européenne | 1985

Mot clé: EIA, Autorisation/permis, Planification territoriale, Procédures judiciaires/procédures administratives


Directive 2009/31/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on the geological storage of carbon dioxide.

Législation | Union européenne | 2009

Mot clé: Lutte contre la pollution, Qualité de l'air/pollution de l'air, Changement de climat, Plateau continental, Zone marine, Exploration, Autorisation/permis, ZEE-Zone Economique Exclusive


Directive 2014/52/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Directive 2011/92/EU on the assessment of the effects of certain public and private projects on the environment.

Législation | Union européenne | 2014

Mot clé: EIA, Procédures judiciaires/procédures administratives, Changement de climat, Infractions/sanctions, Patrimoine culturel


Regulation (EC) No. 1221/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the voluntary participation by organisations in a Community eco-management and audit scheme (EMAS), repealing Regulation (EC) No. 761/2001 and Commission Decisions 2001/681/EC and 2006/193/EC.

Législation | Union européenne | 2009 (2018)

Mot clé: Éco-produits/processus écologique, Éco-audit



Environmental Impact Assessment and Environmental Auditing Act.

Législation | Estonie | 2000 (2002)

Mot clé: Éco-audit, Droits/redevances relatives à l'environnement, Normes environnementales, Principe de précaution, Normes, Protection de l’environnement