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Directive 2013/56/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Directive 2006/66/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on batteries and accumulators and waste batteries and accumulators as regards the placing on the market of portable batteries and accumulators containing cadmium intended for use in cordless power tools, and of button cells with low mercury content.

Union européenne
Type du document
Source d'origine
Official Journal of the European Union L 329, 10 December 2013, pp. 5-9.
Déchets et substances dangereuses
Mot clé
Lutte contre la pollution Substances dangereuses Déchets dangereux Commerce intérieur Déchets solides Gestion des déchets Élimination de déchets
Aire géographique
Países de la Unión Europea

The present Directive lays down some amendments to Directive 2006/66/EC, which prohibits the marketing of batteries and accumulators containing hazardous substances and further regulates the collection, treatment, recycling and disposal of waste batteries and accumulators. These amendments concern in particular the marketing of portable batteries and accumulators containing cadmium intended for use in cordless power tools, and of button cells with low mercury content. The text in article 11, concerning removal of waste batteries and accumulators, is replaced. Further amendments deal with registration of producers.

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Références - Législation


Directive 2006/66/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on batteries and accumulators and waste batteries and accumulators and repealing Directive 91/157/EEC.

Législation | Union européenne | 2006

Mot clé: Lutte contre la pollution, Substances dangereuses, Déchets dangereux, Déchets solides, Gestion des déchets, Élimination de déchets, Recyclage/réemploi


Implementé par

Batteries and Accumulators (Amendment) Regulations, 2014 (L.N. 191 of 2014).

Législation | Malte | 2014

Mot clé: Substances dangereuses, Commerce intérieur, Emballage/étiquetage, Déchets dangereux, Déchets solides, Recyclage/réemploi, Gestion des déchets


Real Decreto Nº 710/2015 - Modifica el Real Decreto Nº 106/2008, sobre gestión ambiental de los residuos de pilas y acumuladores.

Législation | Espagne | 2015

Mot clé: Élimination de déchets, Déchets non-ménagers, Prévention des déchets, Déchets dangereux, Emballage/étiquetage, Enregistrement, Substances dangereuses, Principe pollueur-payeur, Recyclage/réemploi, Gestion des déchets


First Act amending the Batteries Act and the Waste Avoidance, Recovery and Disposal Act.

Législation | Allemagne | 2015

Mot clé: Élimination de déchets, Gestion des déchets, Déchets dangereux


Legislative Decree No. 27 implementing Directive 2013/56/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Directive 2006/66/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on batteries and accumulators and waste batteries and accumulators as regards the placing on the market of portable batteries and accumulators containing cadmium intended for use in cordless power tools, and of button cells with low mercury content.

Législation | Italie | 2016

Mot clé: Lutte contre la pollution, Substances dangereuses, Déchets dangereux, Commerce intérieur, Déchets solides, Gestion des déchets, Élimination de déchets


Battery Ordinance Amendment 2015.

Législation | Autriche | 2015

Mot clé: Lutte contre la pollution, Substances dangereuses, Protection du consommateur, Mise en application