Decree No. 233 of 1993 containing Rules relative to Infiltration of Surface Water into the Soil. Pays/Territoire Pays-Bas Type du document Règlement Date 1993 (2009) Source FAO, FAOLEX Source d'origine Staatsblad No. 233, 29 April 1993, pp. 1-14. Sujet Terre et sols, Eau Mot clé Lutte contre la pollution Pollution du sol/qualité Normes environnementales Normes Protection de l’environnement Eaux superficielles Eaux souterraines Pollution des eaux douces Aire géographique Benelux, Europe, Europe et Asie Centrale, Pays de l'Union Européenne, Atlantique Nord, Mer du Nord, Atlantique du Nord-Est, Europe du Ouest Résumé This Regulation implements that part of the EC Council "Groundwater Directive" (80/68/EC) which concerns the infiltration of water. Infiltration in this Regulation has the same meaning as in article 1 of the Groundwater Act. This Regulation restricts the powers of provincial authorities to grant permits for infiltration of water. This may be done only if no danger is to be expected of pollution of groundwater. In accordance with provisions of this Regulation concentration values specified in the Attachments shall be observed by provincial authorities in considering to grant a permit for infiltration of water into groundwater. (6 articles) Texte intégral Néerlandais Références - Législation Implemente Act containing rules relative to protection of the soil (Soil Protection Act). Législation | Pays-Bas | 1986 (2010) Mot clé: Conservation du sol/amélioration du sol, Lutte contre la pollution, Pollution du sol/qualité, Législation de base, Eaux souterraines, Pollution des eaux douces Source: FAO, FAOLEX Council Directive 80/68/EEC on the protection of groundwater against pollution caused by certain dangerous substances. Législation | Union européenne | 1979 Mot clé: Lutte contre la pollution, Eaux souterraines, Pollution des eaux douces, Eaux usées/déversement, Autorisation/permis Source: FAO, FAOLEX