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Decree No. 128 of 2009 (X. 6.) FVM of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development concerning veterinary medicinal products.

Type du document
2009 (2014)
Mot clé
Santé des animaux Autorisation/permis Médicaments Commerce intérieur Aliments pour animaux Commerce international Procédures judiciaires/procédures administratives Infractions/sanctions Enregistrement Inspection Collecte de données/déclarations
Aire géographique
Europe de l'Est, Europe, Europe et Asie Centrale, Pays de l'Union Européenne
Entry into force notes
The consolidated version of the Decree entered into force on 15 March 2014.

This Decree consists of 117 articles and it is divided into nine parts: General Provisions (I); Veterinary medicinal products (II); Production and import of veterinary medicinal products (III); Labelling of veterinary medicinal products and the instruction sheet (IV); Wholesale and retail sale of veterinary medicinal products and possession (V); Official controls and sanctions (VI); Exchange of information, obligation to inform (VII); National provisions in relation to the Community authorization procedures of veterinary medicinal products (VIII); Veterinary biocide products (VIII/A); Transitory and final provisions (IX).

Texte intégral
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Références - Législation


Regulation (EC) No. 470/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council laying down Community procedures for the establishment of residue limits of pharmacologically active substances in foodstuffs of animal origin, repealing Council Regulation (EEC) No. 2377/90 and amending Directive 2001/82/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council and Regulation (EC) No. 726/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council.

Législation | Union européenne | 2009

Mot clé: Contrôle de qualité alimentaire/innocuité des produits alimentaires, Limite maximum de résidu, Médicaments, Santé des animaux


Act No. XLVI of 2008 on food chain and its control.

Législation | Hongrie | 2008 (2023)

Mot clé: Législation de base, Accès-à-l'information, Codex Alimentarius, Protection du consommateur, Contrôle de qualité alimentaire/innocuité des produits alimentaires, Infractions/sanctions, Emballage/étiquetage, Traçabilité/traçage du produit, Procédures judiciaires/procédures administratives, HACCP, Aliments pour animaux, Santé des animaux, Protection des animaux, Parasites/maladies, Engrais/nutriments, Pesticides, Protection des végétaux, Production végétale


Regulation (EC) No. 726/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council laying down Community procedures for the authorisation and supervision of medicinal products for human and veterinary use and establishing a European Medicines Agency.

Législation | Union européenne | 2004

Mot clé: Médicaments, Institution, Autorisation/permis, Infractions/sanctions, Santé des animaux


Regulation (EU) No. 528/2012 of the European Parliament and of the Council concerning the making available on the market and use of biocidal products.

Législation | Union européenne | 2012 (2021)

Mot clé: Lutte contre la pollution, Substances dangereuses, Pesticides, Principe de précaution, Patrimoine culturel, Produits de nettoyage/détergents, Désinfection, Protection des végétaux, Commerce intérieur, Emballage/étiquetage, Autorisation/permis