Decree amending the Decree on measures against the introduction and spread of harmful organisms of plants and plant products. Pays/Territoire Tchéquie Type du document Règlement Date 2010 Source FAO, FAOLEX Source d'origine Collection of Laws No. 76/2010 Sujet Plantes cultivées Mot clé Emballage/étiquetage Matériel de reproduction/semences Parasites/maladies Protection des végétaux Production végétale Aire géographique Europe de l'Est, Europe, Europe et Asie Centrale, Pays de l'Union Européenne Entry into force notes This Decree enters into force on 26 March 2010. Résumé This Decree lays down some amendments to the Decree on measures against the introduction and spread of harmful organisms of plants and plant products. In particular, the present Decree amends the list of harmful organisms introduction of which on the territory of certain protected zones is prohibited if it occurs in certain plants or plant products (Annex 2 Part of the amended Decree), the list of plants, plant products and other objects which are prohibited for importing and transfer within specified protected zones (Annex 3 Part B) and particular requirements that must be met during importation and transfer of plants, plant products and other of objects (Annex 4). Texte intégral Tchèque Site web Références - Législation Implemente Act no. 326/2004 on plant protection. Législation | Tchéquie | 2004 (2022) Mot clé: Législation de base, Protection des végétaux, Parasites/maladies, Production végétale, Commerce intérieur, Commerce international, Inspection, Pesticides, Agents de lutte biologique Source: FAO, FAOLEX Amende Decree on measures against the introduction and spread of harmful organisms of plants and plant products. Législation | Tchéquie | 2008 Mot clé: Emballage/étiquetage, Matériel de reproduction/semences, Parasites/maladies, Protection des végétaux, Production végétale Source: FAO, FAOLEX