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Commission Decision 2009/360/EC completing the technical requirements for waste characterisation laid down by Directive 2006/21/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on the management of waste from extractive industries.

Union européenne
Type du document
Source d'origine
Official Journal of the European Union L 110, 1 May 2009, pp. 48-51.
Ressources minérales, Déchets et substances dangereuses
Mot clé
Exploitation minière Exploration Lutte contre la pollution Accès-à-l'information Déchets dangereux Déchets non-ménagers Gestion des déchets Élimination de déchets Prévention des déchets
Aire géographique
Países de la Unión Europea

This Decision sets out the technical requirements to be met by waste characterization, which is envisaged by Directive 2006/21/EC as part of the waste management plan to be drawn up by operators of extractive industries and approved by the competent authority. The purpose of the characterization of extractive waste is to obtain the relevant information on the waste to be managed in order to be able to assess and monitor its properties, behaviour and characteristics and thereby ensure that it is managed under environmentally safe conditions in the long term.

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Références - Législation


Directive 2006/21/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on the management of waste from extractive industries and amending Directive 2004/35/EC.

Législation | Union européenne | 2006

Mot clé: Exploitation minière, Exploration, Lutte contre la pollution, Accès-à-l'information, Déchets dangereux, Déchets non-ménagers, Gestion des déchets, Élimination de déchets, Prévention des déchets


Implementé par

Decree establishing essentials of the plan of the management of extractive waste, including assessment of its properties and some other details implementing the Act on the management of extractive waste.

Législation | Tchéquie | 2009

Mot clé: Exploitation minière, Exploration, Lutte contre la pollution, Transport/dépôt, Déchets non-ménagers, Gestion des déchets, Élimination de déchets, Prévention des déchets


Order No. 1150 on the management of mining waste.

Législation | Danemark | 2012

Mot clé: Planification environnementale, Gestion des déchets, Politique/planification, Fonds marins, Minéraux, Lutte contre la pollution, Exploration, Élimination de déchets, Autorisation/permis, Classement/déclassement, Collecte de données/déclarations, Eaux usées/déversement, Substances dangereuses, Monitorage, Pollution des eaux douces