Clean Air Act. Pays/Territoire États-Unis d'Amérique Type du document Législation Date 1990 (2004) Source FAO, FAOLEX Sujet Air et atmosphère Mot clé Législation de base Lutte contre la pollution Couche d'ozone Qualité de l'air/pollution de l'air Changement de climat Émissions Monitorage Planification environnementale Mise en application Infractions/sanctions Normes environnementales Politique/planification Normes Protection de l’environnement Aire géographique Amériques, Arctique, Pacifique du Est, Amérique du Nord, Atlantique Nord Résumé The objective of the Clean Air Act is to protect human health, welfare, and the environment by maintaining and improving the quality of the air through the development of standards. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) establishes national standards for ambient air quality and the states shall implement, maintain, and enforce these standards through a variety of mechanisms. EPA has established national ambient air quality standards to limit levels of "criteria pollutants". each state must develop a State Implementation Plan (SIP) to identify sources of air pollution and to determine what reductions are required to meet federal air quality standards. EPA also establishes and enforces national emission standards for hazardous air pollutants and nationally uniform standards oriented towards controlling particular hazardous air pollutants. Each state must develop a State Implementation Plan to identify the sources of air pollution and to determine what reductions are required to meet federal air quality standards. The Plan shall indicate, among other things the degree to which ambient air emissions from farming practices specific to a geographic area within each state are allowed. Texte intégral Anglais Site web Références - Législation Amendé par Chemical Safety Information, Site Security and Fuels Regulatory Relief Act (P.L. 106–40). Législation | États-Unis d'Amérique | 1999 Mot clé: Lutte contre la pollution, Collecte de données/déclarations, Accès-à-l'information, Substances dangereuses, Transport/dépôt Source: FAO, FAOLEX